A third of Brits believe their partner is lying to them about how much money they spend. According to a survey conducted by Paymentsense on 2000 people in a relationship in the UK, people aren’t always honest to their partners about their spending habits.
Shockingly, 40% of women admit to lying to their partner about what they spend their money on, and how much they spend. However, it’s not always women that tell little white lies, 38% of men also admit to lying about money.
What the different genders lie about are quite different – 1 in 10 women lie about how much they spend on food and 23% of men have lied about how much they spend on alcohol. Throughout their relationship, men estimate they have lied about spending £73 on gambling and 1 in 20 men have admitted they have lied about spending money on strippers!
Women tend to be more trusting with their finances than men- almost a third of women admit their partner knows their chip and pin number and 43% say they trust their partner with their credit card. However, women are a bit sneakier than men. 16% of women admit they lie and say things were in sale so they can say purchases were cheaper than they were.
Does being in a relationship for longer mean you lie more or less?
Those who have been in a relationship for 4-7 years tend to lie to their partners about spending the most, and those who have been together 7 years+ lie the least. Quite worryingly, almost a third of people who have been in a relationship less than a year admit their partner knows their chip and pin, and 45% admit they trust their partner with their credit card. Only 46% of married people trust their partners with their credit cards.
The younger we are the more we lie about what we save, whether we save more than we say or less than we say – 30% of 18-24 year olds have lied about what they save. This age group are also the biggest fibbers when it comes to spending, 51% of this age group admit to lying to their partner. Almost 1 in 10 18-24 year olds admit to lying to their partner about how much they have spent on drugs, and 12% of 35-44 year olds have lied about how much they spend on nights out.
(Source: Paymentsense)