Giving up "modern day luxuries" for one year could save you over £5,000 towards a deposit for a house, new research from online estate agent Hatched, has found.

With research suggesting that you need, on average, £33,000 for a deposit on a house in the UK, people are increasingly starting to really crunch the numbers, budget and save the pennies wherever possible.

By focussing on eight "modern day luxuries", the team at Hatched have looked at simple savings that could be made to get a bit of extra cash in the piggy bank, helping people get a foot onto the property ladder through some choice (but relatively easy) lifestyle changes.

The eight "luxuries" include: morning coffee fix; weekly treat meal out; a gym membership; body "maintenance" treatments; summer holiday abroad; nights out on the town with friends; a smartphone contract; and monthly cinema trips.

If you can abstain from all eight examples of these "luxuries" at once, you would save an impressive £5,433.30 in a year. If you can keep this up, in six years you could have saved almost enough for a deposit (£32,599.80), without needing any other savings at all.

If you rely on that first sip of your morning coffee from a branded paper cup in order to start your 9-5, over a one-year period you will have consumed approximately 250 coffees, at a calculated cost of over £680 - so the potential savings to be had by bringing your own (or giving up altogether) are quite the buzz.

If you really can't quit your coffee habit, just think of it like this – after 12,223 coffees you will have spent the equivalent of a deposit on a house.

But, interestingly, this wasn't the biggest potential saving to be had out of all of the examples we reviewed. Calculations suggest that by forgoing fortnightly nights out, you could save an eye-watering £1,403.52 over 12 months, which might be incentive enough to suggest a night-in instead of painting the town red next time you arrange to see your friends.

Other indulgences that can be cut out to help you on to the property ladder include:

  • Home workouts rather than costly gym memberships will see you £627 closer a year to that first home
  • By cutting out a weekly treat meal out, say at a popular chicken restaurant, you could save around £650 per year – cheeky!
  • By resisting the urge to treat yourself to a pamper session, body "maintenance" treatments (such as haircut, hair colour, tanning, hair removal, nail treatments, facials, massage, and so on) can add up to a cool £876 over a year
  • Forgoing the annual summer holiday will add £554.50 on average to the property ladder coffers
  • The full list of luxuries than can be cut out to save a deposit can be seen here:

Adam Day, Managing Director at Hatched, commented on the findings: “The formula, in essence, is simple – spend less and save more – but we know this can be easier said than done. By consciously cutting out things that you don't need, you can substantially add to your pot of savings towards a deposit on a new home.

"In isolation, these specific sacrifices won't be enough, and so you'd have to be committed and willing to cut out multiple luxuries to make a real impact. But remember - when it comes to saving for a deposit on a house, making sure to put a chunk from your pay-check into a savings account each month is still as important as it ever was.

"This amount of lifestyle changes that we are suggesting might be difficult for some people to implement in their everyday lives, but it's only a short-term sacrifice in the long run, and if you're looking to buy a property with another person, say a partner, then you can get to your goal twice as quick.

“With our advice, prospective homeowners can sooner be in better financial positions to get themselves onto the property ladder. As they say, 'Look after the pennies, and the pounds will look after themselves'. A mantra to stick by, if you ask us..."

(Source: Hatched)

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