One of the top things that you need not skip is the "staging" process. This is the phase where your house will be readily available for potential buyers to see. Not only does this help you sell your property faster, but it even helps you add a few more pounds and value to your house for sale. Listed below are some tips on how you can prepare for your house's staging process.

  1. Declutter

Go over your entire home and de-clutter your space. Whether it's a one-story home or a three-story house filled with lots of rooms and baths, you may want to go over your things declutter those that you're not using at all. Give it to charity, sell them, give it to a friend. If you've not used it for months, then it's probably best that it goes. While you may not be including furniture pieces at home along with the sale, this is still an important process because we want to make sure that potential buyers won't see the house in a "messy" and "cluttered" state.

  1. Re-Paint

A fresh lick of paint will immediately transform an old-looking house and give it a fresh, new look. Make sure that when you're showing your property to potential buyers, given them a nice impression. Show them how beautiful the property is, and they can't appreciate it if the paints are all chipped, old, and dusty. Choose neutral colors for the paint and avoid personalizing the house too much. This way, buyers can see the true beauty of the home and they can do the personalization themselves.

  1. Keep It Clean And Minimal Looking

If there are minor repairs that need to be done, do it. Do you have holes in the wall? Fix it? Are the door knobs broken? Replace it! We want to make sure that the house looks clean, refreshing, yet minimal looking. Do not over-decorate. It's hard to appreciate the entire house when it is filled with large furniture and overwhelming with home decor.

You may also want to do a general cleaning this time. If you can't do it, hire someone to professional help you with this. Get rid of the lime streaks if any, clean the windows, make sure that the floors are waxed - until every inch of the house is squeaky clean.

  1. Upgrade Your Kitchen!

Did you know that the kitchen is one of the most precious and well-prized of your home? Many people's decisions make or break when it comes to the kitchen. Resurface your kitchen cabinets, replace the tiles or clean them if they're all filthy. You may also want to consider upgrading your kitchen countertop. It may be a little bit expensive, but it definitely adds a lot more value to your home and helps you sell it at the best price.

  1. Keep It Light And Airy

Give your guests a welcoming feeling. Make sure that the house doesn't have furniture that is too squished or too close together. Making it look light and airy adds value to your house and can even help you sell it at a higher price.

  1. Keep House Smelling Clean!

We don't want potential buyers stepping into your home while the house smells stinky! If there are drainage problems, it may cause odor and we don't want to just patch that with a band aid. Instead, to add value to your home and to make sure that it sells quickly at the best price, fix the source of the problem.

During a house visit, you may also want to bake some cookies or bread, as it helps them feel at home. Or, you can add some diffusers for a nice smelling home with therapeutic effects too!

  1. Work With An Estate Agent

Lastly, to make sure that you won't be ripped off by potential buyers, make sure that you work with an experienced real estate agent. Find one that has extensive experience in this field and one that can help you further increase the value of your home. When giving potential buyers a tour to your home, let the agent do the talking. They're the ones trained and they know exactly what to say, to help you get the best price and even sell the home much quicker.


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