Living in London can be expensive for several reasons but when you are working with a tight budget it can be much worse. When faced with a restricted budget, it may seem like the only option to apply for payday loans online to cover the costs, however, there are other ways to maintain your budget without the need for this emergency alternative. In this article, we are giving you our guide to living in London without breaking the bank.

Find A Roommate

When looking to move to London the best thing you can do is find a roommate. Not only will this give you someone to share the adventure with, but it will also help to reduce the cost of rent over the course of your time living there. This is particularly beneficial if you are looking to rent close the Thames or other famous London landmarks as the rent is oftentimes much more expensive due to the popularity of the location.

Avoid The City Centre

If you are looking for a cheaper place to live in London, living on the outskirts and commuting in is a sure-fire way to keep down the costs. Whether you decide to opt for an oyster card or cycle, this will help you to reduce the costs and keep you healthy throughout the course of the day. Though this may make your daily commute slightly longer, this will help to cut the costs giving you money for the weekly food shop or other bills that need to be paid at the start of the month.

Avoid Eating Out

One of the biggest causes of a lack of funds is eating out. With several businessmen and women living the high life when it comes t dining out, it may seem tempting to join your colleagues for a meal out after work. However, this can lead to you overspending, therefore it is essential to save it for special occasions only. This will help to save you money during the month as the average meal out can cost anywhere between £15-£25. If you are one to eat out regularly, this can drastically affect your budget, giving you up to an extra £200 a month.

Buy Fresh Where You Can

If you can live on your own, then buying your food little and often can help to reduce the overall cost of your food shop. By buying fresh fruit and veg and using them in a week you can limit the amount you are spending whilst sticking to a healthy diet. This can be bought from a farmer’s market or even your local corner shop and can be used alongside a meal plan to give you the meals you want without overstretching your budget on the supermarket shop.

In addition to this, fresh ingredients encourage meal prep which can also help to save money as you will know exactly what you will be eating during every day of the week for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Regardless of your reasoning for moving to London, you can be sure to save money when using these tips, giving you room in your budget to live the high life even with a restricted wage. Where will you begin?

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