In October, Orange Bank launched the financing of mobile devices and other purchases in Orange stores. Orange Bank has also just signed a partnership with the real estate services platform Nexity, to propose a home loans offer. Lastly, Google Pay will soon be available for customers with Android phones.

Over 20,000 new customers per month

With over 500,000 customers coming from Orange stores, Groupama branches and digital channels, Orange Bank is acquiring new customers at a respectable rate of over 20,000 per month. Apart from the volumes, the success is down to added value: ¼ of customers are acquired through loans, a major difference with other online banks, and ¾ through bank accounts which enjoy a high level of activity as 54% of these customers carry out an average of more than one transaction per week. An average of 10% of accounts are now being opened with the Visa Premium card.

A major advantage for Orange Bank is  the link with the Orange and Groupama store and branch networks which is proving very effective. The Orange stores now propose over the counter loans representing nearly 5,000 sales since its launch, and the holders of a Visa Premium card benefit from a 5% discount on their purchases in Orange stores. At Groupama, car insurance is also available with a car loan for customers who wish to benefit from it.

Partnership with Nexity

The development of the bank's distribution network has been enriched by a partnership with Nexity, the real estate services platform, intended to finance real estate projects. Through this partnership, seen as being of strategic importance, Nexity intends to become a source of new business for Orange Bank, with a shared vision: to be a player in the digital transformation of lifestyles. The first applications are expected to be processed by the end of 2019.

In response to the growth of its customer base and the diversification of its range of offers, Orange Bank is investing in resources; unlike many online banks, its 878 employees are based in France, Montreuil and Amiens, and benefit from an average per capita training budget that is 40% higher than other French banks. This justifies the attractiveness of Orange Bank which receives 20,000 job applications per year. This investment in human resources, as well as the gradual digitisation of the bank, has helped to increase the productivity of the customer relations centres and back offices by 30% to 40% depending on the activities.

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