The service information system manufacturer is the latest addition to SCHEMA Group’s portfolio of companies, following the acquisition of TID Informatik in April 2019.

Headquartered in Fürth, Docware GmbH specialises in the development and implementation of software solutions for after-sales service and spare parts. With PARTS-PUBLISHER, a modular spare parts catalogue software, Docware occupies a leading position on the market for electronic parts catalogues and digital service information systems. Based in Nuremberg, Germany, SCHEMA Group, is a medium-sized software manufacturer and a portfolio company of IK Investment Partners. It produces Component Content Management and Content Delivery Solutions for authoring departments creating product-related content. SCHEMA Group software supports businesses in describing complex products and in publishing and distributing such content via a wide range of media.

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Katina Hristova
Last Updated 22nd January 2024

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