Tell us about your career path and what brought you to the world of finance?

I started in the Insurance, Retirement & Financial Service industry at age 20 after getting laid off from my previous employer by answering an ad for a captive company. Coincidently, it ended up being complete luck because I was studying Business Management and Marketing at college at the time and had never even looked into a career in finance prior to this. I ended up loving my new career choice and after only three years, I had worked my way up to Regional Manager. Once I learned I could go independent and offer my clients better and more versatile products, coupled with a lower rate and/or a better return on their retirement, it was time for a move. So, in 2005 at age 23, I started Postema Insurance & Investments, LLC.

Within a short period of time, I saw myself training a wonderful group of agents and growing at a rapid pace. We currently have offices located in Ohio, Indiana, and Florida and continue to train weekly to be the best representatives we can for pre-retirees, as well as retirees. As we assist our clients by providing in-house comprehensive financial education, we understand service is key so they may have a thorough understanding of their individual financial situations.

What was your main motivation behind setting up Postema Insurance & Investments and your other businesses under the Postema umbrella?

The main motivation was to help pre-retirees and retirees by “Protecting Everything You’ve Worked For”. We wanted to make a considerable impact in our industry through the process of education and training including topics like IRAs, 401k’s, life insurance, income planning, medicare options, and supplemental insurance (including The Affordable Care Act).

Five years after we opened, we then started a Property & Casualty division to assist clients with car, home, rental and business insurance. My goal was to establish a one-stop-shop for all of my clients’ financial and insurance needs. This is how the other Postema companies formed, advancing us one step further towards meeting that goal.

Postema Capital Lending: During the pandemic, we noticed from our clients there was a vast need for commercial real estate, equipment loans, business lines of credit, home mortgages and home equity loans. Thus, we launched Postema Capital Lending.

Postema Accounting Solutions: Postema Accounting Solutions is the accounting and tax division of the Postema businesses. In an effort to provide a one-stop location for clients’ insurance and financial needs, having in-house accounting and income tax experts was a logical addition.

The tax consequences of adding money (as well as withdrawing money) from investment products should always be examined prior to making a decision. Clients have the ability to check with our tax and financial/retirement experts so they can reach an educated decision when choosing the best course of action for their particular financial situation.

There are also numerous advantages to having everything in one location when income tax time arrives. Our clients have the opportunity to have someone already familiar with their financial situation prepare their income tax return for a very reasonable rate, rather than dealing with a different individual each year. Under these circumstances, vital pieces of information are less likely to be missed.

Postema Accounting Solutions provides our clients access to tax and accounting experts to ask questions pertaining to their specific situations year-round, not just during income tax season further solidifying the benefits of this division.

Postema Marketing Group: I started Postema Marketing Group in 2009 along with Joe Santore, who in my opinion is one of the greatest marketers and trainers in helping agents with retirement and income planning for their clients. Together with Joe and the rest of the team, we have trained thousands of agents and agencies across the country on how to ethically consult in areas of finance, retirement, taxes and insurance. I consider it an honour to be a part of an industry that is often shunned.

Many advisers skim through the products, but you need to educate yourself on what you need vs. what you want.

What are the financial actions you advise people to take in the current uncertain environment?  

Start to look at conservative or guaranteed options available out there and make sure you understand the difference between the two. Many advisers skim through the products, but you need to educate yourself on what you need vs. what you want. Do not be afraid to ask the hard questions. If anyone has questions, please do not hesitate to shoot me an email about your interests or concerns and I can send you a free book. Also, remember to see what stage you are in as far as the grand scheme of things. Are you in the Accumulation Phase or the Preservation and Distribution phase? Greed gets you nowhere if the accumulation phase is finished and you try to keep getting more.

In what ways have the events of 2020 affected your work and your companies?

Thankfully, our business has not taken a hit during the pandemic. We know we are so blessed compared to other companies who have suffered because we have had back to back appointments with our clients who have needed our financial advice and help during this unprecedented time. Right now, one of our most important tasks is ensuring that the proper precautions and safety procedures are in place to protect our clients and our staff.

What are your key tips for achieving success in the finance sector?

Education is key to both yourself and to your clients! There is nothing more disturbing than someone in this sector who baulks on education because it is extremely unfair to the client (and also the agent). Also, do not forget self-improvement and motivation for yourself so you can be the best representative you can be for everyone involved.

In addition to all these amazing companies you’ve founded, you’re also a bestselling author. Please tell us about your books.

I started writing retirement and financial in 2012 when I wrote my first #1 bestseller Retirement You Can’t Outlive. Since then I have written over 15 #1 bestsellers with many becoming #1 international bestsellers in Amazon’s Finance, Retirement, Budgeting, Legacy Planning, Self-Help, Motivation and Nutrition categories. I have also created numerous seminar programs for our agents and clients nationally.

What’s next for you? What are you currently working on and what do you hope to achieve in the future?

I am terrified for our baby boomers with all the bad advice that is given today. We want everyone to be educated to make the right choices, which is the purpose of writing my books. We want to teach so clients know the questions they need to ask their adviser. We want to help as many people retire and protect all they have worked for safely and securely. With proper planning, their wealth will be passed on to future generations wisely. In the next two years, our goal is to open an additional ten offices throughout the US to continue to provide the proper education on financial services.

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Katina Hristova
Last Updated 22nd January 2024

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