Many people want to enter university and have better career prospects. These educational institutions can be perceived as a springboard to a new adult life with the opportunity to earn an increased salary. However, higher education in the USA, UK and other countries is incredibly expensive. You may be surprised when you find out just how much money you have to pay out for each semester or academic year. Here are some key factors that determine the overall price you pay. 

Academic Level Matters

It should be noted that the academic level is one of the key factors affecting the cost of education in any country. If you're interested in attaining a BA or BS degree, then you will have to pay about USD 25,000-35,000 (£18,000-25,000). The price will directly depend on the type of educational institution. Private universities will always be more expensive, and they are also often more difficult to be accepted into. If you need additional support as a student, then the cheapest essay services are a great option. Whether you need business essays or other papers, these services can help you achieve the grades you require. 

If  you are interested in masters and doctoral levels, then you should be aware that this will be more expensive than your undergraduate degree. Sometimes the price will differ even several times. Besides, MBA, JD, and MD are more expensive than Ph.D. degrees. You may often need to pay about 40 thousand dollars (£28,900) per year. 

The Cost Of Getting Degrees Varies Greatly

The cost of studying at the university also directly depends on what degree you want to attain. If you want to become a dentist, lawyer, engineer, or surgeon, then you will have to pay a lot more than if you choose a Nursing, Pedagogical, or Social Care degree. This is because some certain areas require deeper knowledge and more practical experience than others. For certain degrees, you will have a longer period of education than others.

The University Type Matters

The type of university that you attend is another aspect that directly affects the cost of your education. Generally, most public universities are more affordable than private alternatives. Typically, the price may vary by 5-20% per year. For many people, this will be a key criterion when choosing an educational institution. The difference can be up to 10 thousand dollars (£7200) per month in some cases.

The Price Of Prestige

If you want to become a student at Harvard, or Oxford, or Cambridge, then the cost of your education will be significantly higher. A little-known university in Oregon will be substantially more accessible to the average person than Harvard. This is not surprising since society and media culture have advertised such educational institutions in the news, books, and films. Of course, nobody denies the highest quality of the educational process and professionals who will help you get the required knowledge. But the price will be directly proportional to the prestige and fame of the university.

Accommodation Costs

When it comes to university accommodation, the cost will be drastically different in each country, region, and the city, although, typically, you won't find deals under $600 (£433) per month. In some cases, monthly rent can reach as much $3,500 (£2,531).

But what if you don't have that sum of money and want to find a compromise? How about living in a dorm on campus? If you are lucky, you will get a room with 1-2 roommates. Typically, you will have to pay 5,500-8,000 thousand dollars (£3,978-5,786) per year. This price is more acceptable, especially if you or your relatives are not ready for the additional financial burden. Conduct a preliminary analysis of the city in which you want to live and consider all the advantages and disadvantages of your chosen accommodation options.

Final Words

Do not forget that the final cost of your education directly depends on many factors. Start by choosing a price range that suits you. However, you should not forget that the annual fee for the educational process is only 70-80% of your expenses. Consider the need to rent an apartment or dorm room, and don't forget that you have to pay for bills, food, internet, cellular communications, and potentially public transport. Only a detailed calculation of the combination of all these factors will allow you to understand how much savings you should have to get the desired degree.

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