However, it is simpler than you might think when it is broken down into smaller steps. Here are some tips that can help you secure your future by managing your personal finances. For more detail about useful resources, there are financial experts who can assist you with this.

1. Understand Your Credit Score

Firstly, one of the most crucial parts of planning your personal finances is understanding the role that your credit score plays. Banks and money lending institutions typically use someone’s credit score to see how likely they are to repay a particular loan before approving their application. 

A higher score indicates that someone is more likely to repay the loan in full within the prescribed time. Because of this, it is worth knowing the ways that you can improve your credit score. This is typically done by paying off your regular bills such as rent and utilities on time. 

Whether that occurs at the start of the month or the end, make sure that you are setting reminders to pay your bills when they are due. This allows you to avoid any outstanding debts that can lead to a poor credit score over time. 

2. Set A Realistic Budget

Similarly, setting a realistic budget is a useful way of keeping track of your spending and figuring out how to save a little money for the future. Many people try to set a strict budget that is difficult to follow, but the best way to secure your future through financial planning is to make gradual changes over time. 

This way, you can create a habit of saving without stressing over meeting certain goals immediately. Consider brainstorming what items you spend money on during a typical month, then decide if each is a want or a need. 

Impulsive purchases can be challenged in this way, and it can also allow you to find more affordable utility providers if the majority of your income is being spent on bills. It could also be worth cancelling certain payments that you don’t use, like a subscription service or gym membership, if you don’t use it. 

Once you have taken a look at all of your options, you can use budgeting resources to assign your regular income to certain items. This allows you to see how much money you will have leftover and holds you accountable to stick to your budget. 

3. Establish Saving Goals

After setting a budget for yourself with realistic allocations of money, it is important to think about your savings. You should try to set aside small amounts to put towards your savings each month if possible. There are a range of different savings accounts available with most banks, and it is worth looking into the different options. 

Setting savings goals for yourself can allow you to keep track of your savings, and consider the end goal. For some, this could be a deposit on their dream home. While others may prefer to keep their savings for emergencies. 

Consider thinking about what is essential to you, and what type of thing you want to start saving for. This can be a great way to encourage better financial habits over time, by working towards your savings goals. 

4. Prioritise

Another thing to keep in mind when you are changing your relationship with money is that you should prioritise. This means putting your long-term financial goals to one side if you are struggling to make ends meet each month. There is no point in putting yourself into debt if it can be avoided, and you should make sure that you can afford your current lifestyle. 

During the budgeting process, something to consider is what is important to you. This should be prioritised if possible, or it could be used to motivate your savings habits. Avoid impulsive purchases by reminding yourself what you are working towards, and your financial goals for the future. 

5. Pay Off Debt

One of the biggest contributors to poor credit scores is outstanding debt. This is because so many people find themselves unable to pay their regular bills and the instalments on an outstanding loan. Consider prioritising your debt repayments if possible, and start working towards a healthier credit score over time. Debt consolidation loans are great for someone who has multiple debts that need to be paid. 

This is because they typically pay off the amount needed for each loan repayment, and help simplify the process by being a single repayment that you need to budget for, rather than multiple. If it is possible, try to pay off any outstanding debt in order to stop your credit score from getting worse over time. 

6. Consider Insurance

Additionally, it could be worth getting insurance for your assets in order to protect yourself and your loved ones. Make sure you are insuring all of your property where possible in order to avoid significant fees in the future. Home insurance helps by providing access to repair fees when needed. For example, if your home gets severely damaged in a storm, and you need to replace the roof urgently. Insurance can help cover some of the fees required, which will prevent you from falling into debt in the long run. 


When it comes to changing your financial habits, it can be hard to know where to start. Because of this, budgeting and understanding the role that your credit score plays can allow you to create more sustainable habits in the future. 

Consider taking a closer look at your current spending habits, and identify certain items that you can save money on. It is also worth making use of online resources to find the right budgeting tool for you. Saving for the future can allow you to feel closer to your financial goals, like a vacation or wedding.

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Last Updated 22nd January 2024

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