1. Dollar destruction

The value of the dollar against Bitcoin highlights the effect decentralised currencies such as crypto are having in this arena. When you look at how much the dollar has devalued against Bitcoin over the last five years, it sits at 96.53%. It took 50 years for it to drop in value by 50% against gold. This is because of a global debt crisis. Chief economists say that printing and devaluing more of a nation’s currency is the easiest way out of a debt crisis. Of the roughly 750 currencies that have existed since 1700, only about 20% remain, and those that remain have all been devalued. 

Another reason is inflation. It stands at a 40-year high. Many will look to the war in Ukraine and rent hikes for answers to gross inflation, however, many others disagree. These unpredicted events just happen to coincide with inflation after a record increase in printing dollars – 35% of all US dollars have been printed in the last 10 months. In practice, this means that as global economies begin to start up again after the pandemic, this record amount of dollar production is now catching up via inflation. This is also not a nuanced effect, nor endemic solely to the US, we are seeing it happening in the Eurozone too. 

There is actually very little a country can do to combat inflation. Its main option is to print more money, making the physical currency more expensive to store and move. This increases interest rates and lowers growth. However, if the growth is low, it pushes you into recession. We are seeing this economic trend play out, with Deutsche Bank informing investors that they are expecting the worst recession in history to hit towards the end of 2023. 

2. Age of exponentials and where to look

There are five areas of high growth that many investors should be looking at and these are Edtech, Medtech, Greentech, Space-tech and Fintech.

Obviously, these are all the major areas of tech that are disrupting and decentralising the current centralised systems. Society 4.0 is moving to Society 5.0, from the industrial to an age of impact. Societies are broken down into 1.0 – Hunter-gatherer, 2.0 – Agrarian, 3.0 – Industrial, 4.0 – Information. The transition is at first obvious but becomes embedded into our societal and economic systems, this is what we are currently seeing with big data. All of the fastest-growing companies and exponential technologies are now in this area. 

When we look at this trend, what is really interesting is how much it has grown in the last 12 months and the projections over the next decade. ARK Invest, an investment management company, has researched the market growth of exponential technology. Their research shows that, by 2030, these sectors are on track to grow to $210 trillion from $20 trillion in 2020. But as these areas of technology that are seeing this exponential growth are numerous, choosing ‘your wave’ is crucial. One area that has interested me and I believe has advantageous benefits is utilising AI in business. As AI becomes more prevalent in the marketplace, it will improve a company’s reputation and valuation as its products will become more customer-centric and drive engagement. When looking at ARK’s research in this area, they suggest that this is on track to grow from $2.5 trillion in 2021 to $87 trillion by 2030.

Personal experience of leveraging exponentials specific to interests in investments and business are usually easier to research and put into action as the passion is already there. Exponentials represent numerous factions of a 5.0 society, and as we move into it, we must all look to what we can leverage personally, whether it be investments or integrations of other exponentials such as battery technology, cloud computing or blockchain, for example. 

3. The digital decade

Everything that we do is being digitised and will encompass Society 5.0; in the digital decade, this will be apparent through a digital overlay on your day-to-day experience. Foresight and action have helped me as an entrepreneur stay ahead of this curve and pushed my interests into this field. We are now looking at partnering with some top-level partners for our ‘Metaversity’, which creates digital campuses for Edtech. 

When we look at the history of the web, it is broken down into Web 1.0: accessible content was read -only, Web 2.0: the emergence of blogs and social media, the public was able to create content, Web 3.0: what we are now transitioning into – allows users to have ownership. For example, music was incredibly difficult for artists to monetise, but through NFTs, we are now seeing this being challenged.

The merging of our digital and physical lives will look at Social Spaces (what you build to interact with), Digital Objects (NFTs) and Wallets & Identity - people will need to know that you are real and that they can pass something to you, ie, assets through blockchain or currency.

What this means when looking at investing is that it will shift the paradigm. In the integration of Web 3.0, we must start to ask ourselves not just what we want to invest in, but also, what is the social group or economy we want to invest in?  Right now, we are born into a nation with its own economy, so your assets and finances are by default, intrinsically linked. This is an incredibly important aspect, as Web 3.0 will negate citizenship and structured economies. Your wealth will not be linked to your physical citizenship, but to your digital citizenship. What this means in practice is that wealth will no longer be connected to place, but to purpose. Everyone will have the opportunity to build an economy around their individual purpose.   

The 2022 Global Impact Investor Summit hosted on the edtech platform GenuisU, saw keynote speakers Roger James Hamilton, Founder & CEO of Genius Group, world-renowned investor Jim Rogers, Marcus de Maria, Founder & Chairman of Investment Mastery, Simon Zutshi, Founder of property investors network (pin), and Mark Robinson, Founder of International Academy of Wealth, share their top 10 investment trends for 2022-2023. Roger James Hamilton, founder and CEO of Genius Group offered his detailed analysis and the whole summit can be viewed online.

About the Author: Roger James Hamilton is a New York Times bestselling author and Founder and CEO of Genius Group, a multi-million dollar group of companies, headquartered in Singapore, which currently includes companies such as GeniusU, Entrepreneurs Institute, Entrepreneur Resorts and Genius School and has an acquisition plan to add in a further 5 companies in 2022 to the Group. 


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Roger James Hamilton
Last Updated 22nd January 2024

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