Every year, consumers lean into the green movement, making more and more decisions about where to shop and what to buy based on a company's reverence for the environment.

Understanding and exploring this idea through the lens of energy saving doesn't just make a business more attractive, it can also generate appreciable long-term savings.

Customer Concern

According to an April 2022 study, the environment and sustainability are firmly in the mind of modern consumers. In this survey, 81% of respondents said the environment's future was a prime concern for them, with nearly 80% of US customers making some purchases based on sustainability. 

The exact meaning of sustainability for customers in this survey varied, but it tended to revolve around a business's interest in reducing waste, cutting emissions, and recycling. More than two-thirds of the customers in this survey said they change their shopping habits if a business wasn't operating sustainably.

"20220810-RD-LSC-0308" (Public Domain) by USDAgov

In a modern business, some of the most visible moves made towards a greener motive are found in energy savings. Anything that burns through energy can and will be noted, and this effect will have profound implications for customer retention.

From the right perspective, this ideal offers significant opportunities to explore for savvy businesses, with energy-saving and green solutions aiding both customer interest and business savings.

Energy-Saving Solutions

Fortunately, in the modern environment, cost and energy-saving solutions can cover a wide range of useful products. The most visible of these are LED lighting systems to replace older incandescent bulbs. Though LEDs will often require a slightly higher initial investment, their lower ongoing energy costs and extended lifespans will more than make up the difference by the time they need replacement.

LED bulbs can use up to 90% less energy and last up to 25% longer than traditional solutions, making their adoption a must. 

Similar advantages can be found in practically every part of business systems, where modern solutions are often vastly superior to the status quo. In retail, for example, older automatic hand cleaners are popular, but they can also be energy inefficient.

New solutions like a modern intelligent soap dispenser can allow a hybrid approach, using battery power initially and then falling back to manual operation once the battery is drained. This saves cost over a system that is operable 24/7 and can be better combined with renewable energy sources and smart technology to recharge at the best possible time. 



Going into the 2030s has provided challenges, but the technological era had also continued to provide cutting-edge solutions. With so much emphasis put on green solutions by customers, and with money-saving options being more environmentally friendly than ever, there's never been a better time to step forward into new possibilities. Like the rest of humanity, business needs to look forward, and in doing so see a more cost-efficient horizon.


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