For parents in the UK paying for everything your child needs as prices continually rise across the country is a difficult and stressful task. This scheme aims to ease one aspect of this for parents as childcare creates a huge financial stress. As reports come out that 6 weeks of child care in summer clubs will cost £1045, a rise of 6% across the UK. It is harder than ever to find childcare for children, especially for those on a low income or with a child with a disability.

This scheme creates another great way to be able to start saving and eases your personal finances.

The Charity, Coram reported that the average cost of full time (50 hours per week) nursery for under 2 year olds was estimated to cost £15,000 per year.

The price of childcare is often more than half of a parents salary making it impossible to afford.

Childcare you could receive

If your child or children are 3-4 years old you could receive 30 hours of free childcare which is already available to claim.

If your child is 2 years old you could get 15 hours of free childcare a week from April.

If your child is 9 months old you could get 15 hours of free childcare from September 2024.

From September 2025 under 5’s can get 30 hours of free childcare a week.

How to Apply

Make sure to apply in advance of the term beginning to ensure your child can start their free term from the beginning.

To apply you must;

  • Earn more than £8,670
  • Earn less than £100,000
  • Be a working parent
  • Already receive certain benefits

You will need;

  • National Insurance Number
  • Birth Certificate Reference Number for the child you’re are applying for
  • The date you started or are due to start work
  • A recent payslip or P60 to prove you are eligible
  • If you are self-employed, you will need your taxpayer reference
  • If you are married, in a civil partnership or living with a partner you will have to provide their details too.

It can take up to 7 days to find out if you are eligible and you will be given a code to provide your officially registered childcare provider with. You will have to confirm your eligibility every 3 months to continue on the scheme.

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