Facing a tax audit defence can be a daunting experience, but understanding your options for defence can help alleviate some of the stress. Whether you decide to handle the audit yourself or hire a professional, it's important to weigh the pros and cons of each approach based on the complexity of your tax situation, your understanding of tax laws, and your financial resources.

Here's a breakdown of the options available to you when defending against a tax audit.

Pros of Handling the Audit Yourself

Handling a tax audit independently comes with several advantages that can be beneficial under the right circumstances.

Cost Savings

Choosing to handle your tax audit by yourself can help keep your wallet happy because you won't have to spend money hiring a tax professional. This can be a good choice if your tax situation isn't too complicated, and you feel confident understanding and navigating tax rules. It means you don't have to pay fees to tax lawyers or accountants, which can sometimes be pretty pricey.

Personal Involvement

Doing your tax audit means you handle everything. This is good because you know all about what you did with your money and taxes. You get to talk and show your stuff directly to the people checking your taxes. It's like when you tell your side of the story, so everything is clear. In this way, you can also learn a lot about taxes.

Plus, if you think about getting help later, like from someone who knows a lot about "tax audit representation," you will already know some things about how it all works.

Cons of Handling the Audit Yourself

Attempting to defend against a tax audit on your own, while potentially cost-effective, also introduces several risks and challenges that are important to consider.


Handling a tax audit by yourself can get hard, especially if taxes make you scratch your head. Sometimes, the people checking your taxes, called auditors, want to look at lots of papers and ask many questions. This is because they want to make sure everything is right with your taxes.

If they decide to do a field audit, it means they might come to check your papers at your place. This can make things even more complicated. If things get too tricky or there are lots of rules and paperwork you don't understand, it might be hard to make sure everything goes okay.


Handling your tax audit takes a bunch of your time, like a lot. It's like when you have to clean up a messy room, and it keeps getting messier the more you clean. You have to read lots of papers, fill out forms, and maybe talk to the tax people a lot. It's like doing a big, hard project that you didn't want to do.

And while you're doing all this tax stuff, you might not have time for other important things, like work or being with your family. It's kind of like when you're trying to do a big puzzle but you keep finding more pieces that don't fit, and it takes forever to even see a bit of the picture.

Pros of Hiring a CPA or Tax Attorney

Engaging the services of a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or a tax attorney can offer professional guidance and peace of mind during the audit process.


When you choose to bring in a CPA or tax attorney, you're not just hiring someone; you're getting an ally who's wicked smart about all things taxes. Think of them as the ultimate cheat code in the game of tax audits. They've spent years learning the ins and outs of tax laws, which can be as complicated as trying to understand an ancient language.

Whether it's about Oregon tax relief or figuring out deductions you didn't even know existed, these pros have the playbook memorized. They talk the tax talk and walk the tax walk, making them your inspiration in dealing with tax issues. Plus, they've been through this rodeo before with others, so they know exactly how to handle the auditor's curveballs.

Negotiation Skills

When you have a CPA or tax lawyer on your team, it's like having a superhero who knows how to talk and make deals with tax people. They're super good at this because they do it a lot and know exactly what to say. This means they can help make the tax audit not as scary and may even help you pay less money if you owe any.

It's kind of like when you want a better deal on a toy and your mom or dad helps you talk to the seller to get a lower price. These tax pros are like that - they try to make things better for you by talking smartly.

Stress Reduction

Hiring a CPA or tax attorney for your tax audit can make things way less stressful for you. Think of it like having a big, strong friend who steps in when things get tough. This friend knows exactly what to do and takes care of the scary stuff, so you don't have to. You won't have to spend all your time worrying about tax stuff or trying to figure out hard tax questions by yourself.

It's like having someone else do the hard homework for you, so you can chill out more and not feel so worried. Plus, it feels good knowing someone who really understands taxes is helping you.

Cons of Hiring a CPA or Tax Attorney

While the benefits of professional representation during a tax audit are significant, it's equally important to consider the potential drawbacks.


The engagement of a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or tax attorney, while beneficial for its expertise and negotiation capabilities, incurs significant financial expenditure. This arises as a primary disadvantage to taxpayers. The services rendered by these professionals are remunerated through fees that may vary widely depending on the complexity and duration of the audit process.

For individuals or entities already confronting potential financial liabilities from the audit itself, this additional outlay can represent a substantial burden. Taxpayers must undertake a rigorous assessment of their financial situation and the anticipated benefits of professional representation to ascertain if the potential outcomes justify this investment.

Less Personal Control

When you ask a big tax expert, like a CPA or a lawyer, to help with your tax problems, it's kind of like letting them drive your car while you sit in the back. You're not the one making all the decisions anymore. These tax people know a lot, so they do the talking and the planning. It can feel a bit weird like you're not in charge of your own stuff.

Some folks don't like this because they want to know everything that's happening and make all the choices by themselves. But, when these pros take over, you have to trust them to do their job right, even if you're not the one calling all the shots.

Pros of Enrolled Agents (EAs)

Enrolled Agents (EAs) provide a specialized level of service for those facing a tax audit, with distinct advantages worthy of consideration.

Specialization in Taxation

Enrolled Agents (EAs) are like super-focused tax ninjas. They eat, sleep, and breathe taxes. This makes them super good at understanding every tiny detail about tax laws, which can be really confusing. It's like having a wizard on your side who knows magic spells that can make tax problems less scary.

They're trained specially to deal with taxes, so they know all the shortcuts and secret paths that can make dealing with the IRS easier. This means they're good at handling tricky tax situations that might make the rest of us scratch our heads.


Choosing to work with an Enrolled Agent (EA) for your tax stuff can save you some cash. Think of it like this: EAs know a lot about taxes, but they might not charge as much money as those big-shot tax lawyers or CPAs. It's kind of like when you find a really good deal on a video game - you still get to play and have fun, but your wallet doesn't feel as empty.

Plus, since they're all about taxes, they're good at finding ways to maybe keep some extra money in your pocket, instead of you having to give it all to the tax folks. It's a smart move if you want to tackle those tax problems without spending a ton of money.

Cons of Enrolled Agents (EAs)

While Enrolled Agents offer valuable expertise in tax matters, there are limitations to their services that should be carefully evaluated.

Limited Legal Advice

Enrolled Agents (EAs) are super good with tax rules, but when it comes to law stuff, they might not help much. It's like if you're playing a game and know all the cheat codes but don't know how to fix the game if it breaks.

EAs know taxes inside out, but if your tax problem needs someone who also knows a lot about law, then an EA might not have all the answers. You might need a tax lawyer for that. They're like the person who knows both the cheat codes and how to fix the game.

Pros of Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS)

The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) stands as a crucial resource for individuals navigating the complexities of a tax audit, offering a unique blend of guidance and support.

Free Service

The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is like a helpful friend who doesn't ask for anything back when you have tax trouble. This means you don't have to give them money to get their help. They're there to listen to your tax problems and give you advice on what to do next.

It's pretty cool because dealing with taxes can be really hard and sometimes scary. So, having someone who knows a lot about taxes helping you for free can make things a lot easier. It's like getting help with a tough puzzle but not having to use your allowance to pay for the help.

Support for Rights

The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is really good at making sure people are treated fairly by the tax people. They help you understand your rights, which are like rules that protect you. If you think the tax people are not being nice or making mistakes, TAS can step in and help sort things out.

It's like having a buddy who knows the rules and makes sure everyone plays the game fairly, so you don't have to worry too much. They make sure no one is unfair to you when it comes to your taxes.

Cons of Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS)

While the Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) can provide invaluable assistance during a tax audit, it's important to recognize the limitations and challenges of utilizing this resource.

Eligibility Requirements

To get help from the Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS), you have to fit into their special list of who can get help. It's like when you want to join a club, and they check if you can be a member. You need to have a big tax problem that you can't fix by talking to the normal tax office.

Also, this problem needs to be messing with your life in a big way, like if it's making it hard for you to pay for your stuff or if you're stressed out about it. And, if you're trying to get help for someone else, like your mom or buddy, you need to show that you're allowed to talk for them.

But if they think your problem is something a lot of people have too, they might use your story to try and make things better for everyone.

Learn All About Tax Audit Defence

The right tax audit defence option depends on your specific situation, including the complexity of your audit, your financial situation, and your comfort level with tax matters. For simple audits, handling it yourself might be feasible.

However, for more complicated issues, or if you're uncomfortable navigating tax laws, hiring a professional is likely the best course of action.

Regardless of the path you choose, it's crucial to respond promptly to IRS notices and to gather all relevant documentation to support your case. Being organized and proactive can significantly impact the outcome of your audit.

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