When you find yourself in debt and unable to pay it back you could qualify for credit card forgiveness otherwise called, debt relief.

This is when the creditor pardons a debtor from some or all of the outstanding debt.


A Debt Relief Order (DRO)

You can apply for a DRO for free and talk to an advisor to find out if you qualify and if you could receive debt forgiveness.

You could qualify if…

  • You owe £30,000 or less OR if you owe £50,000 or less from June 28
  • You don’t own a home
  • You don’t have other assets or valuable items, car, property
  • You don’t have much spare income, no more than £75 after paying household expenses.

A DRO usually lasts a year after which time your debts will be written off unless your situation improves.

A DRO could help you with payment plans that work around your situation or could help you get your debt forgiven.


Debts covered by DRO

  • Credit Card
  • Overdrafts
  • Loans
  • Benefits overpayments
  • Arrears with rent, utility bills, council tax and income tax
  • Bills for services such as, vets or solicitors.
  • Business debts.


If you are struggling to pay off your debt then find out if you qualify.

Just for you
Courtney Evans
Last Updated 4th September 2024
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