When you travel abroad this year make sure you don’t forget your GHIC and make sure it is updated

You are also recommended to take out travel insurance separately as this covers you for other predicaments such as having your luggage lost or stolen.

What is GHIC?

Global Health Insurance Card.

The GHIC is a great way for UK residents to have access to healthcare and treatment whilst on holiday. This is the updated version of the European health insurance card (EHIC) which you will now have to update since leaving the EU. The cards last for 5 years and you can update the card from 9 months before the expiry date.

With the GHIC you will be able to receive necessary healthcare on the same basis as a local resident of that country. This applies to all countries in the European Economic Area (EEA) as well as a few others.

Having access to healthcare on the basis as a local resident does still mean you could have to pay, the same as a local would have to in that specific country. Research if your destination is covered and what payments would be necessary there.

If you do not take your updated card with you then you will not be able to access necessary healthcare if you need it.


What is covered?

  • Emergency treatment and A&E visits.
  • Treatment and routine care for long term or pre-existing conditions.
  • Routine Maternity care unless you are going abroad to give birth.


What won’t be covered

  • Being flown back to the UK.
  • Treatment in a private facility.
  • Ski or mountain rescue.


Where you will be covered?

The EEA includes most European countries such as, Austria, Czech Republic, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Germany and more.

The card will also cover you in a few outside of the EEA including Montenegro, Australia, Jersey. Guernsey, Isle of Man, St Helena, Tristan and Ascension.

Just for you
Courtney Evans
Last Updated 17th July 2024
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