Managing your student bills

If your bills aren’t included in your rent cost then you will be responsible for organising and paying for all bills such as, water, electricity. Wi-Fi and energy bills.

If you are going to university full time then you won’t need to pay council tax. You can also avoid paying for a TV license as long as you don’t watch any live TV.


Typical Bills

On average it was found that university students spend £1,078 on rent and bills each month.

Doing this whilst at university can be difficult for many students making saving as a student almost impossible.

Get prepared now so that you can find the best deals and make it easy to settle in. Find offers on other items such as kitchen equipment and phone contracts to save money where you can.


Your first steps

You can ask your landlord who you water and energy supplier for the area.

When you first move into your student housing make sure to take a meter reading so that you can give these to your suppliers. This will make sure you are only paying for what your household uses.

It could help if you plan with your housemates and set up a payment plan so that everyone is aware of their share and problems don’t arise later on.


How to manage the bills?

Splitting bills at university is something that often causes tension in the house and so it is best to agree from the beginning. Setting up payment plans and using services that will split the bill for you could help. Getting a third party service to split the bills for you means one person is never left paying the full amount and waiting for everyone else to send their share.


  • Fused Bill

Use this service to find a quote for all your bills in one place and then pay through Fused and split the bill with your housemates. This is an easy way to keep all the bills in one place, make sure everyone is paying their share and that no payments will be missed.

  • Split the Bills

You can bundle all the bills in one and split the total between multiple people. Another service that is great for organising your bills. They will set up direct debits for each person to avoid missing payments.

They are currently having a sale! Get £150 bill credit and a chance to win a £150 Greene King voucher. Sign up before August 31st.

  • Uni Homes

Enter your details and receive a quote for you bills, add your housemates and they do the rest. They will set up your utility bills for you to make settling into University easier.


Trying to reduce costs?

If you find your bills are higher than you can manage then there are ways to bring down the cost of your energy bills. Follow these tips making small changes to bring down the cost.

Having a bank account tailored for students can also make a significant difference to costs as most will have a 0% interest overdraft. When used responsibly an overdraft can be a valuable tool for students. Find the best accounts for students.

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