If you are having hardship keeping up with various repayments, several creditors calling, and concerned questions about your financial future, then you are not alone. Debt review might be the saving grace you need. With commitment and correct guidance, this process will drive you towards better control of your finances while giving you an easy way of managing debts. Here is a breakdown of debt review and how you can benefit from it.

What is a Debt Review?

This is a financial process designed to assist South Africans in repaying their monthly debt easily without becoming financially overwhelmed. It is a creation of the National Credit Act in South Africa and provides structured legal methods for over-indebted consumers. It thus becomes the primary objective of debt review in South Africa to offer consumer protection from legal action by creditors while ensuring that they can pay or repay their debts in a manageable and sustainable manner.

How Can Debt Review Assist You?

Protection Against Legal Liability

When under debt review, creditors are prohibited from taking legal steps to recover their money. This means they cannot repossess your assets and you are protected from being sued for the debts included in the review. This relieves stress and allows you to focus on the repayment of your debts without living in constant fear of legal action.

Affordable Repayment Plan

It reviews your debt to ensure your payment schedule is set up according to your ability. Debt counsellors can decrease interest rates charged on financial products and substantially extend the repayment period, thus decreasing the monthly debt repayment amount. You will easily manage your finances and ensure enough money is left over to cover basic living expenses.

Improved Financial Management

The debt review process helps enhance one's financial literacy and encourages better financial management. Certified debt counsellors often provide good advice on budgeting, savings, and expense management techniques. This guidance can be instrumental in helping one adopt healthier financial habits during and after the debt review process.

A Path to Financial Freedom

You systematically repay your debts by following the laid-down payment plan and advice from your debt counsellor in order to pay off all your debts. When you have paid off all your debts, you open new doors toward financial stability and freedom.

How Does Debt Review Work?

A consumer initiates the process by approaching a certified debt counsellor for assistance. They then evaluate your financial position, focusing on your revenue flow and all outstanding debts. This analysis will guide whether you qualify for the debt review.

If you're qualified, the debt counsellor will negotiate with the creditors on your behalf to determine the options for restructuring the repayment terms. These may include renegotiating the payable amount, lower interest rates, or extension of the payment period. These new plans aim to make repayment more convenient and manageable.

Once the restructuring plan has been agreed on, the debt counsellor submits this to the court or the National Credit Regulator for approval. Afterwards, the consumer pays only one monthly amount to a Payment Distribution Agency (PDA), which pays different creditors according to what has been stated within the agreed plan.


Debt review enhances your control over finances and ends the struggle with debt. Structured and supportive conditions allow you to repay your debt to avoid default and maintain a clear financial record. With improved financial health, you are sure to secure loans quickly in the future.