How to Restart Your Savings After Bankruptcy
Although there was a seven percent increase in people filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Arizona, being declared bankrupt is not the end of the world, as per the February 2019 statistics from the District of Arizona Courts.
Besides, sometimes you have to take a step backward to move forward. The most practical way of dealing with bankruptcy and moving back to solvency is by establishing a saving plan. Saving is an essential aspect of wealth creation. With the right mindset and correct information, individuals can create wealth post-bankruptcy by adopting and neglecting certain behaviors.
Take Advantage of the Pre-discharge Credit Counseling
Bankruptcy comes with a lot of emotional and psychological strain. However, getting help from credit counselors can help you get through. Involving your legal advisor will help you find an approved agency to counsel you through the process. The counseling platform offers valuable financial advice to help you wisely manage your finances in future. It also focuses on income, expenses and strategies to save. Consequently, it covers financial literacy on budgeting and debt management. Budgeting your finances is essential if you want to achieve your saving goals. During bankruptcy, individuals learn to live without credit. Therefore, this experience should be used to your advantage by trying to operate with no debt post-bankruptcy. In case you access credit-cards, it is essential that payments be made before or on dates when they are due.
Increase Your Income Streams
After being declared bankrupt, sourcing for new income streams may be difficult at first. However, individuals can work with what they have, to achieve what they hope to get. For example, monthly income paid to unsecured creditors before being declared bankrupt can help you build up on your savings by depositing it into your savings account. Individuals can also start a business. Not all business ventures require capital to start. For example, Dave Ramsey began a financial advice group in his church after he was declared bankrupt which later became the successful Ramsey Show. Using your experience to educate others can create business opportunities for you, and you can even document your experience by writing a book. You can also take up a second job and save income from that job.
Work on Improving Your Credit History
Although debt is the last thing, you should think about post-bankruptcy, working on developing a good credit history is essential. Bankruptcy records show on your credit score for up to seven years. However, improving your credit scores in three years could make you qualified for a loan. Lenders often look at payment history, hence having years of consistent payments to your savings account shows reliability and commitment. Consequently, a good credit history improves your credit score allowing you to qualify for loans with lower interest rates which also makes it easier for you to save.
Dealing with bankruptcy can be exhausting. However, accepting and working towards financial stability can make it bearable. Personal financial evaluation can help you know where to start on your journey towards normalcy. Adopting better financial habits like living within your means is also good to ensure you remain financially stable.