Money management is challenging for any household as the living wage and cost of commodities are rising, but with money management tools you can begin to get your finances in order ahead of the new year. However, this does take time and funds can run low at any time. At this point it may seem tempting to opt for payday loans to help extend the budget, however, there are alternative ways to fix the problem that could help to reduce the cost with room spare in your budget without the need for an emergency form of finance.

With several finance tools and applications on the market, you can begin to organise your spending and begin to make room in your budget for a day out or an addition to the home. Whether this is on your phone or on desktop, these tools can help to set goals and monitor spending habits with little to no monthly fee. In this article, we are going to look at some of the money management tools that are worth using in 2019.

When looking at money management tools none come as highly recommended as This outstanding tool is free to use and can be used either on a desktop or mobile to keep track of your finances. With over 10 million users and counting, this app has the perfect level of usability and overall security to keep bank details safe whilst providing an outstanding overall service. This is great for both business and personal use to help manage finances and maintain a healthy amount of spending per month.


Another tool that is worth using in 2019 is Acorns. This free to use app allows you to invest as little as £1 a week and will maintain your overall spending to help you meet your monthly budget. In addition to this, you can invest in over 350 top brands every time you shop with them giving you a fully customised experience regardless of your overall monthly spend. Since its creation, this app has seen 4.5 million daily users making this one of the most popular for mobile users whether for personal finances or business use with the CEO Noah keener describing it as a “ financial wellness system” this is the perfect way to begin making changes and get your finances on track.


Moneyhub is the ideal app for those that struggle with their finances and sticking to a budget they have set. Whether you are gaining insights through their custom analysis tools or you are looking to manage all your accounts all in one place, this app is for you. It also allows you to seek online help through their finance team for a small £1 per month. This is a small amount in the long term when managing your finances and allows you to have the results you are looking for overall.


The final tool/ software that you can use to save is Monzo. This is used alongside apple/ Samsung and Google pay and can set spending budgets with ease. It works alongside your bank account giving you updates and custom reports allowing you to track your spending. In addition to this, you can use this service to avoid unnecessary charges when spending abroad. This is a benefit to business owner and individuals as you can save money when trading or spending overseas without a transaction charge which is typically around £3 with every transaction made on a bank card.

There are a number of outstanding tools available to help you manage your finances and make the most out of the money you have and make your budget last. Which of these will you choose to get your finances in order in 2019?

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