Please tell us about some of the things that Legal Club can do to help employees during the global pandemic.

Legal Club continues to help employees and their families with life’s challenges. Our programs offer our members access to free and discounted legal care, tax preparation and advice, including a free annual Federal tax return. We also offer employees a full suite of ID theft benefits, as we have noticed that ID theft has been on the rise since the start of the outbreak of COVID-19!

Additionally, we have partnered with Consolidated Credit to offer all our members access to their KOFE (Knowledge of Financial Education) program. This has been of great help to employees who have specific questions about the CARES Act and other issues around COVID-19.

Legal Club includes services that help with real estate transactions too. Can you tell me more about those services?

Legal Club offers our members access to free and discounted legal care in various areas of the law. One of the most important is the area of real estate. We offer a flat fee of $350 for a document review of the closing on a personal residence. I have bought and sold a lot of real estate in my life and I believe that having an attorney review your closing documents is critically important.

We tell people all the time that Legal Club provides meaningful benefits for everyday life.

You mentioned that Legal Club is offering tax and ID theft services. Are those benefits that will help employees during these difficult times? 

Absolutely! In New York state, ID theft around unemployment has been rampant in recent months. We are helping tons of enrolled members at some of our national accounts based in New York. Additionally, that $600 in extra unemployment compensation, as well as regular unemployment is taxable. Most people don’t know that and it’s going to be a surprise for them come tax time!

Given all that is going on, is now a good time to be presenting Legal Club to employer groups?

Yes! We tell people all the time that Legal Club provides meaningful benefits for everyday life. No one has to get sick or die to use our benefits (unlike other employee benefits programs) and you can use them over and over again. Taxes are not optional and need to be done yearly. We have programs that provide a free annual Federal and state return. People need attorneys for all kinds of things; good things like buying a house and bad things like bankruptcies. ID theft is on the rise and it’s no longer a case of ‘if, it’s a case of ‘when’. Legal Club provides all those benefits to the employees of our employer groups and their dependents.

For more information, go to 

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Donald A. Rowe
Last Updated 22nd January 2024

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