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Katina Hristova

Katina Hristova is the editor of Finance Monthly magazine.

Articles by Katina Hristova

Common Estate Planning Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

31st May 2022
Kieran Osborne has been in the financial & estate planning industry for over fifteen years. He’s well known for taking a new and radically different approach to the business of estate planning, which is often viewed as quite a stuffy and traditional industry full of solicitors. We caught up with him to hear all about his company Squiggle, his thoughts on DIY and online wills and the key mistakes people make when it comes to wills and trusts.
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What are the Trends Shaping Estate Planning Right Now?

31st May 2022
Catherine Yuan is the Executive Director and Trust Officer of Tricor Trustco (Labuan) Ltd, a fully-fledged licensed trust company regulated by the Labuan Financial Services Authority (LFSA) based in Malaysia. She has over 15 years of corporate management experience, which includes strategic and leadership training for management development, as well as wealth succession planning. She […]
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Cerved's Acquisition of Del Barba Consulting

31st May 2022
Cerved Finline S.r.l., a Cerved Group company specialised in soft finance, has acquired the entire corporate capital of Del Barba Consulting Group, a company that has operated for over 20 years in the field of modular consultancy services for SMEs and large companies aimed at identifying and enabling access to public facilities and contributions.
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Artemis Strategic Corporation’s $1 Billion Merger with Novibet

31st May 2022
Kyriakides Georgopoulos Law Firm (KG) advised Artemis Strategic Investment Corporation on its recently announced merger with Novibet.
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Green Pearls of Wisdom from the World’s Most Sustainable Countries

29th April 2022
There is simply no hiding that our planet is under great pressure. From rising sea levels to increasingly warmer temperatures across the globe, climate change is having a serious impact on the well-being of our environment.
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The Present & Future of Charity Boards

29th April 2022
Julie Hutchison is the Charities Specialist at abrdn, in the award-winning Charities Investment Team which sits within the UK discretionary management business. Julie’s been in role for nearly seven years, during which time the charity AUM has more than doubled. Her experience spans the charity, private, public and academic fields, building on her background in law where she specialised in trusts and philanthropy before moving into financial services eighteen years ago. Julie supports the company’s charity, endowment and foundation investment clients on governance and policy issues, in particular where boards are looking to refresh their investment policy statement to consider responsible investment and ESG matters. The Charities Investment Team comprises Portfolio Managers who focus on managing investments for charitable institutions, ranging from household-name charities to less well-known endowments and trusts. In particular, the team has a depth of experience in managing portfolios for grantmakers, health and hospice charities, education bodies and conservation charities.
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