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Updated at 16:37
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Katina Hristova

Katina Hristova is the editor of Finance Monthly magazine.

Articles by Katina Hristova

The Ins and Outs of Forensic Accounting

29th April 2022
We are connecting with Peter W. Brown - Partner and Forensic Services Practice Leader at GHJ, headquartered in Los Angeles. Peter has been a forensic accountant for over 30 years. GHJ is a full-service accounting and advisory firm that provides audit, tax and a robust array of advisory services. The firm is very active in the M&A space and provides a host of transaction advisory services for private equity firms and business owners. In addition, GHJ has a market-leading practice in the entertainment space where it represents creative talent and audits the profit participation agreements that actors, producers, writers, and other profit participants have with the major film and television studios.
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How to Preserve Your Wealth During Uncertainty?

29th April 2022
Finance Monthly sat down with Dustin Serviss - the founding partner of Serviss Wealth Management – a company that helps people get financially organised and strategic all on one page. The firm uses this one-page map to enable people to live more of their life and be financially responsible for their future and takes pride in facilitating family meetings to bring clarity to wealth transitions be it a business, a cottage, cash or investments.
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Interview with Dr Steven Kaufman from Zeus Equity Group

31st March 2022
We speak with Dr Steven Kaufman - an accomplished investor, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. He is the current Chair of TIGER 21 Houston and Managing Principal at Zeus Equity Group.
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Fairness Opinions & Solvency Opinions Explained

31st March 2022
We caught up with John Agogliati, CFA, ASA - Senior Managing Director at Marshall & Stevens Incorporated. Marshall & Stevens is a premier independent, full-service valuation consulting firm that was founded in 1932 and provides valuations of businesses, intangible assets, machinery & equipment, and real estate.
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How to Create Your ‘Success Plan’

31st March 2022
Lynda Hoffman is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Through her business, Lynda Hoffman Life Coaching, she coaches passionate and self-directed business professionals - with or without ADHD - who want to create meaningful personal and organisational change. Lynda partners with clients to increase their personal agency and strategic decision-making. Her extensive experience in the field of executive functioning and mindfulness training supports clients in understanding how their brain functioning informs their behaviour - and how to change what needs changing. She encourages her clients to do the deeper work to create transformational change – the kind that lasts.
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