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Updated at 16:37
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Katina Hristova

Katina Hristova is the editor of Finance Monthly magazine.

Articles by Katina Hristova

What is a Public Insurance Adjuster & Why Do You Need to Hire One?

30th April 2021
To learn about what a public adjuster can do for you, we caught up with Jeffrey O’Connor, who has been a licensed public adjuster since 1985 and has been with Alex N. Sill Company since 1992. Sill, along with its sister firm, National Fire Adjustment Co, Inc. (NFA) forms North America’s largest national public adjusting and loss consultants firm servicing insureds on their property claims (and never the insurance company) throughout the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean. Headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, the company has 30 offices throughout the US and Canada and is accredited by the National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters (NAPIA).
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The Top Benefits of Optimising Your ERP Systems

30th April 2021
For an insight into ERP systems, we interviewed Peter Morley, one of the two founding Directors of Insight, now known as Moore Insight.
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