Personal Finance. Money. Investing.
Updated at 16:00
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Katina Hristova

Katina Hristova is the editor of Finance Monthly magazine.

Articles by Katina Hristova

What Should Businesses do in a Time of Economic Uncertainty

28th February 2023
Nicola Rout is an Associate Solicitor at Thompson Smith and Puxon, a Legal 500 recommended firm in Essex offering a full range of legal services to businesses and individuals. She sits within the corporate and commercial team and specialises in restructuring and insolvency, having qualified in 2002 and worked in the City for several years, before joining TSP in 2019. Nicola is also a member of R3 and the Insolvency Lawyers Association.
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What Leaders Struggle with During Turbulent Economic Times

28th February 2023
Lynda Hoffman is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Through her business, Lynda Hoffman Life Coaching, she coaches passionate and self-directed business professionals - with or without ADHD - who want to create meaningful personal and organizational change. Lynda partners with clients to increase their personal agency and strategic decision-making. Her extensive experience in the fields of executive functioning and mindfulness training supports clients in understanding how their brain functioning informs their behaviour - and how to change what needs changing. She encourages her clients to do the deeper work to create transformational change – the kind that lasts.
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Finance Monthly is a comprehensive website tailored for individuals seeking insights into the world of consumer finance and money management. It offers news, commentary, and in-depth analysis on topics crucial to personal financial management and decision-making. Whether you're interested in budgeting, investing, or understanding market trends, Finance Monthly provides valuable information to help you navigate the financial aspects of everyday life.

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