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Updated at 16:37
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Katina Hristova

Katina Hristova is the editor of Finance Monthly magazine.

Articles by Katina Hristova

Moving to the UK or the US? Here’s Why You Need an Expatriate Tax Expert

31st March 2021
Allan Wilkinson is Partner at top-20 UK accountancy firm Buzzacott LLP. In 2014, the firm established its office in Hong Kong, and after relocating in 2017, Allan now leads the Expatriate Tax Services team there, which provides timely and bespoke UK and US tax services to individuals living in Asia. Together with the other specialist teams in the UK, Buzzacott makes up a firm of over 450 employees who work together to tailor-make specialist financial solutions for clients.
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Ida Liu from Citi Private Bank North America: Breaking Down Gender Barriers in Finance

31st March 2021
This month, we had the privilege to speak with Ida Liu – the CEO of Citi Private Bank North America.
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Budget 2021: Reactions & Key Takeaways

3rd March 2021
Chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced his economic plan aimed at helping the UK to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, promising to "protect the jobs and livelihoods of the British people". Among some of the main points are an extended furlough scheme (until September 2021) and Sunak’s plan to increase the tax on large company profits from 2023. We take a look at some of the key takeaways from his spending plan for the new year below.
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Hong Kong’s Payments Evolution

26th February 2021
Towards a New Era of Innovation
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Here’s Why Now is Great Time to Get a Loan

26th February 2021
Mark Steven Cook is a well-established ‘financial solutions architect’ and a generous humanitarian. He specialises in both real estate lending and real estate investing. He has over 30 years of real estate industry experience and has personally been involved in hundreds of fix and flip transactions, as well as conventional home loans. Currently, he is the Chief Operating Officer for where he provides day-to-day oversight of their operations.
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COVID-19 and its Impact on M&A in Singapore

26th February 2021
We speak with Henry Tan, Group CEO & Chief Innovation Officer of Nexia TS, who’s been serving as an adviser to clients in Singapore and the region since 1993. As Group CEO, he manages the firm and works on growing its footprint to a major player in the market. Co-founded by Henry and his business partner Sitoh Yih Pin, both experienced chartered accountants, Nexia TS offers accounting services in a unique and personalised way.
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