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Katina Hristova

Katina Hristova is the editor of Finance Monthly magazine.

Articles by Katina Hristova

An Interview with the CFO of Lidl GB - Dirk Kahl

30th July 2020
We speak with Dirk Kahl - the Chief Financial Officer of Lidl Great Britain. Currently based at their Head Office in Wimbledon, Dirk joined the Lidl Group as Global Finance and Accounting Director in 2008 and was subsequently appointed as Board Executive for Finance, Accounting and Tax for the German operation before joining the Lidl GB Board of Directors in 2014. In his current role, Dirk is responsible for the Financial and Administrative operation of Lidl GB, which has over 25,000 employees in Great Britain. He is currently a non-executive Member of the Board and the Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee of Kingston University in London. We caught up with him to hear about his role as Lidl GB’s CFO, as well as his tips for fledging CFOs.
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Do I Need an Asset-Recovery Lawyer?

30th July 2020
Finance Monthly had the privilege to hear from father and daughter Robert J. Poulson and Jill Ann Poulson – partners in Poulson Law Offices. Robert, who’s spent most of his career as a commercial litigator specialising in the financial services sector, has represented some of the largest financial institutions in the world. Much of his work was done for liquidations and he has represented many bankruptcy trustees, debtors-in-possession, SIPC trustees and voluntary liquidations. Jill Ann is a transactional lawyer with heavy experience in mergers and acquisitions for major domestic and international corporations. She has recently expanded her work into asset recovery since mergers, acquisitions and other business restructuring often results in financial assets being lost or unintentionally abandoned.
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