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Banking & Savings

Welcome to Banking and Savings - for insightful guidance on maximizing your financial potential. This dedicated space offers in-depth knowledge on various banking products, savings strategies, and the latest in financial technology innovations.

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Whether you're seeking the best savings accounts, exploring high-interest options, or looking for secure and efficient banking solutions, our resources aim to equip you with the tools and knowledge for effective money management and achieving your saving goals.
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Five of the Best Investments to Make in 2024

1st May 2024
In a complex and ever-shifting financial landscape, it can be difficult to know with any degree of certainty what to do with one’s money. Strategy is key for maximising gains on your savings or investments, necessitating a great deal of research in order to chart the right path for you.rea Against a backdrop of high inflation and […]
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How to switch banks hassle free

30th April 2024
Most people put off switching banks because they think it will be too much hassle and it’s easier to remain at the same account despite receiving no rewards. Well, what if we told you there is a way to switch with little to no hassle? If you’re not sure if you should switch banks then […]
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8 Smart Strategies for Building a Strong Financial Foundation: The Power of Savings

29th April 2024
Having financial stability allows you to manage everyday expenses. It also lets you plan for the future with confidence, and weather unexpected financial storms. But building a strong financial foundation can seem daunting. This is especially true in today's world of rising costs and competing financial priorities. Here's a look at eight smart financial strategies […]
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4 Financial Assistance Options for Seniors Who Need Access to Affordable Companion Care

26th April 2024
For many seniors, the need for companion care increases as they journey into their golden years. However, these services often come at a significant cost, which can greatly restrict retirement savings. Fortunately, there are financial assistance options available to help.  From Medicare to Medicaid, seniors have multiple avenues to secure affordable companion care while maintaining […]
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Neurodiversity and Managing Finance

26th April 2024
Managing finance is challenging for everyone. It can be particularly exasperating for individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia and dyscalculia — collectively described as conditions of “neurodiversity”. Neurodiversity is significant as 15-20% of the world population is neurodiverse (5% ADHD, 1-2% autistic, and 10% dyslexic among others). Neurodiverse individuals may exhibit low executive […]
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How can I make my savings Green?

24th April 2024
A recent survey undertaken by  McKinsey and NielsenIQ [Do consumers care about sustainability & ESG claims? | McKinsey] revealed that 78% of US consumers would like to see their financial service providers form part of their desire for a sustainable lifestyle. All around the world, we are likely far off mainstream banking blazing a trail for sustainability, […]
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How to Plan Your Finances for Retirement

22nd April 2024
Retiring is the thing that all of us look forward to, in one way or another. Whether we have intentions of kicking back poolside with bottomless cocktails or simply indulging our time in a hobby we’ve long overlooked, life after work looks to be a well-deserved reward. However, not many of us are planning for retirement […]
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How Financial Wellness Enhances Mental and Physical Health

19th April 2024
You do not have to be a psychology expert to know that finances affect people's feelings. Every person who has been through challenging financial situations knows first-hand how mentally draining being unable to pay bills can be.  This mental pressure, at some point, starts to manifest in a decline in a person's mental and physical […]
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What are the types of impulse buying so you can avoid them?

19th April 2024
If you feel yourself often giving into impulse buying this could be hurting your finances and cutting off your savings. Most people give into impulse buying at least a few times a month and regret it quickly afterward. If you are trying to save, reducing your impulse buys could help you do this.   Avoid […]
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Digital Banking Transformation: Navigating the New Financial Frontier

19th April 2024
The world of finance is, on the verge of a change, driven by the digital revolution in banking. It's more than moving from bank branches to online services; it's about completely reimagining how we bank in today's digital world. Leading this transformation is the field of banking software development, where technology and finance come together to offer efficient and personalized […]
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Should I switch bank accounts?

18th April 2024
HSBC data shows that 54% of people in Britain have had the same current account for over a decade and 2 in 5 remain at their same bank for over 15 years. This is despite 64% of people reporting they receive no benefits at their current bank. So, is switching bank accounts a good idea […]
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ISA VS. Savings account

16th April 2024
When you are trying to save money it is best to find the right type of account to keep it safe and this could be a savings account or an ISA.   ISA An ISA is an effective way to save large sums of money and be a secure account to keep the money from […]
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Finance Monthly is a comprehensive website tailored for individuals seeking insights into the world of consumer finance and money management. It offers news, commentary, and in-depth analysis on topics crucial to personal financial management and decision-making. Whether you're interested in budgeting, investing, or understanding market trends, Finance Monthly provides valuable information to help you navigate the financial aspects of everyday life.
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