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Explore the business world. In this segment, we cover the highlights of business news, provide guidance on running your business, find ways to help market and improve your business and help develop your company via some of the financial technology available. We provide expertise to help elaborate on the latest news, explain some of the events happening in the business world, help you to outline ways to improve your business and examine the technology that can help your finances run more smoothly.

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The Cost of Escaping war

19th April 2024
The war in Gaza has now been going on since October 2023 with millions of people injured, relocated or having died from the conflict. Those who are lucky have been able to be evacuated from Gaza but there are millions more who are still trapped in the dangerous climate.   The Cost The cost for […]
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How Learning a New Language Influences Financial Opportunities Abroad

19th April 2024
Mastering a language like German can unlock doors in international markets, often leading to untapped financial potential. It's not merely about communication; it's an asset that elevates your marketability worldwide.  Whether you're eyeing career growth or investment opportunities abroad, language proficiency is the key that turns aspirations into tangible successes. Online learning platforms stand ready […]
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How to Navigate Small Business Financing in Uncertain Times

19th April 2024
Securing financing for your small business is always a nail-biting and time-consuming process - one which is made all the more intense during periods when the future outlook isn’t all that rosy. As such it’s important to plan strategically, and make the most of tailored loan solutions to prevent economic ebbs and flows from upsetting […]
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Car Accident Loans

19th April 2024
Car accident loans provide a financial lifeline to individuals awaiting settlement payouts after being involved in a vehicular accident. These loans offer immediate cash to cover living expenses, medical bills, and other costs that pile up while the injured party is unable to work and the legal process unfolds. This type of funding is non-recourse, […]
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How Meal Delivery Services Are Reshaping the Economy of Convenience

18th April 2024
Are you noticing the surge in meal delivery vans zigzagging through your neighbourhood? It's not just a trend; it’s a tell-tale sign of an economic shift. Meal delivery services are redefining what we call the economy of convenience, particularly in urban juggernauts like London and New York City. Meal delivery services aren't just about bringing […]
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Trading Apps: A Few Smart Tips Every Trader Should Know 

18th April 2024
Trading has surged a lot in popularity in recent years. Every other person in the UK is trading these days. Many have even quit their jobs to become full-time traders. The reason behind its growing popularity is pretty straightforward. Trading apps have become extremely accessible.  The ease of access to trading apps has democratized investing, […]
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What does inflation mean?

17th April 2024
What is Inflation? Inflation is when the price of an item increases over time and the cost of living becomes more and more expensive. Inflation will mean than the worth of a £1 decreases the more inflation goes up and this is why it becomes difficult to maintain a standard of living when prices go […]
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Inflation is at its lowest level since 2021

17th April 2024
The Office for National Statistics have released their data and revealed that inflation rates are falling slowly and have reached the lowest level since November 2021 at 3.2% What does this mean? Inflation levels falling does not mean items will be significantly cheaper when you go into the shops, just that they are rising slower […]
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Investing in People: Considering the Cost of International Recruitment

16th April 2024
There’s a cliched saying in business that you need to speculate to accumulate. As trite as that expression may be, there’s more than a grain of truth in it. Spending money to get more back than you put in is what every business owner is trying to do. For example, if you’re going to invest […]
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A Beginner's Guide to Navigating the World of Trading

16th April 2024
Trading in financial markets can be exciting and rewarding, but it's also complex and requires careful navigation. Whether you're interested in stocks, forex, cryptocurrencies, or commodities, getting started can feel overwhelming. However, with the right approach and understanding, you can begin your journey into the world of trading with confidence. This beginner's guide aims to […]
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10 Ways to Implement Cryptocurrencies in Your Small Business

15th April 2024
Implementing cryptocurrency payments into a small business venture can have numerous advantages for both the business and its customers. Using cryptocurrencies as a payment method lowers fees, makes transactions faster, and allows anonymous payments. This article will go over how to implement cryptocurrencies into your small business's day-to-day operations. It goes beyond just making payments […]
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How to Trade Futures: 5 Things to Know

15th April 2024
Futures trading involves traders buying or selling contracts to trade assets at a predetermined price in the future. Traders should know about futures trading as it enables them to make profits from price changes in other markets, such as commodities, stocks, and currencies. This article will look into the foundations of live futures trading and why every […]
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Finance Monthly is a comprehensive website tailored for individuals seeking insights into the world of consumer finance and money management. It offers news, commentary, and in-depth analysis on topics crucial to personal financial management and decision-making. Whether you're interested in budgeting, investing, or understanding market trends, Finance Monthly provides valuable information to help you navigate the financial aspects of everyday life.
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