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Explore the business world. In this segment, we cover the highlights of business news, provide guidance on running your business, find ways to help market and improve your business and help develop your company via some of the financial technology available. We provide expertise to help elaborate on the latest news, explain some of the events happening in the business world, help you to outline ways to improve your business and examine the technology that can help your finances run more smoothly.

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Revolutionizing Finance: Fintech Marketing Strategies Unveiled

20th March 2024
In recent times, there has been a transformation happening in the finance realm. Traditional banks and financial institutions are encountering competition from a wave of companies known as fintech startups. These tech-driven enterprises are shaking up the industry by offering solutions that deliver more convenient and accessible financial services. With the market brimming with fintech […]
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IT Professionals Who Work for Themselves: State Tax Compliance

20th March 2024
With an increasing number of professionals choosing self-employment in the IT sector, the gig economy has grown significantly in the last several years. Numerous advantages, such as freedom and flexibility, come with freelancing, but there are drawbacks as well, especially with regard to state tax compliance. Accurate tax reporting and optimizing tax savings are frequent […]
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Bridging Innovation and Budget in Small Businesses Through CAD Optimization

15th March 2024
How to stay ahead in today’s highly competitive business market while staying within a tight budget? It’s a million-dollar question, but the answer is actually not that complex and it might surprise you (well, probably not because you’ve read the title, but still): CAD optimization. That’s right, computer-aided design systems can help your business streamline […]
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Lost Wages vs. Loss of Earning Capacity: Understanding the Financial Impact Post-Injury

15th March 2024
In the wake of an injury, two financial foes loom: lost wages and loss of earning capacity. Both carve a sizable rift in one's financial health—but they're not twins. Lost wages refer to immediate income drained away during the recovery period, while loss of earning capacity casts a shadow on future possibilities, measuring what you […]
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Analyzing the Economic Costs of Injuries in the United States

15th March 2024
Injuries in the United States present significant economic costs, impacting not just the healthcare system but also productivity levels across various sectors. Every year, millions of Americans sustain injuries that require medical treatment, rehabilitation, and often long periods of recovery. The direct healthcare costs associated with treating these injuries are substantial, but they only represent […]
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Finance Brokers Unveiled: What You Need to Know Before Choosing One

13th March 2024
When it comes to making decisions, having reliable guidance and support is vital. This is where finance brokers step in. Finance brokers are professionals who connect individuals and businesses with products and services. They understand the market, access to lenders, and the expertise necessary to navigate complex financial situations. In this article, we will delve […]
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Top 5 apps to track your business finances

12th March 2024
By using an app or online platform to track your business expenses you could save time and money in your business. In 2024 there are many apps to choose from, however make sure it is one you can trust. Why not trying an app for your personal finances too? Stay on top of your money […]
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Are Unemployment rates rising?

12th March 2024
The Office for National Statistics released their unemployment report for the quarter containing December 2023 to February 2024. Unemployment  The Unemployment rate has risen to 3.9% whereas last quarter it was at 3.5% leaving many people without a job and a source of income. The amount of job vacancies and advertising is decreasing by 4.5%, […]
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Working Women's battle for Equality

8th March 2024
This international women's day we spread awareness for those who work in the financial and business sectors where they suffer from inequality at work. As one of the top business and financial regions, London is on top in many areas with booming business and advances in investments and more. Despite this city’s success it is […]
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Workers' Compensation in Savannah: Ensuring Financial Stability After Workplace Injuries

7th March 2024
Workplace injuries can throw a wrench into your life, affecting not only your physical health but also your financial stability. In such challenging times, understanding your rights and the benefits available to you under workers' compensation laws is crucial. If you find yourself navigating this complex terrain, it's advisable to ask a workers' compensation lawyer […]
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Important Factors to Consider When Buying a Business

6th March 2024
Buying an established business is a prudent and easy choice when you want to explore the business world. This strategy allows investors to bypass the complex and challenging aspects of building a startup. However, just because a business is running doesn’t make it worth your attention and resources. You should carefully examine various factors to […]
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Kicking off your trucking venture with the essentials

5th March 2024
When considering a startup in the world of commercial hauling, understanding the core requirements is crucial. Among these, semi-truck financing requirements play a pivotal role. Your credit score and financial history serve as a testament to your reliability, heavily influencing your chances of securing financing. An adequate down payment and a well-thought-out business plan can significantly bolster […]
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Finance Monthly is a comprehensive website tailored for individuals seeking insights into the world of consumer finance and money management. It offers news, commentary, and in-depth analysis on topics crucial to personal financial management and decision-making. Whether you're interested in budgeting, investing, or understanding market trends, Finance Monthly provides valuable information to help you navigate the financial aspects of everyday life.
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