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Explore the business world. In this segment, we cover the highlights of business news, provide guidance on running your business, find ways to help market and improve your business and help develop your company via some of the financial technology available. We provide expertise to help elaborate on the latest news, explain some of the events happening in the business world, help you to outline ways to improve your business and examine the technology that can help your finances run more smoothly.

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7 Lucrative Reasons Why SEO Investment Ensures Financial Growth

28th May 2024
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for businesses to boost online visibility and attract customers. A strong online presence is important for success and growth. Investing in SEO brings significant financial benefits and helps achieve long-term goals. This article explores seven reasons why SEO investment is smart for financial growth. Increasing Website Traffic and Brand […]
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Financial Aspects of Running a Business: A Guide

28th May 2024
Running a business is no easy task. It’s something most entrepreneurs fail at. Some fail because they do not properly prepare themselves, and others because they have negative attitudes or adopt unethical practices. If you want to start a business, then you need to properly prepare yourself. This post intends to enlighten you on one particular area of business ownership that you need to become a pro […]
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What is Carbon Neutral and How Does It Work By Sue Welland

23rd May 2024
In recent years, the concept of carbon neutrality has gained significant traction, becoming a focal point for both individuals and businesses alike.  Sue Welland, the creator and ecopreneur behind the entire Carbon Neutral concept explains: “Striving for a carbon-neutral home encourages adopting sustainable lifestyle choices, such as reducing energy consumption, recycling, and using eco-friendly products. […]
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Pet Insurance prices rising

23rd May 2024
With 16m pet owners in Britain the consensus on prices in the pet industry is largely, very unhappy! With vet prices increasing and pet insurance doing the same it is becoming harder for people to afford their beloved pets.   In 2023 just in the months of July to December pet insurance prices rose by […]
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Are your vets overcharging you?

23rd May 2024
In Britain there are around 16m household with at least one pet, a large market for vet practices pet services. Many people feel that their vet practice is overcharging for prescriptions and treatment services including medication. The CMA have launched an investigation into the vet industry which is expected to take around 18 months to […]
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Risks of artificial intelligence (AI) for a small business

23rd May 2024
There’s no doubt that artificial intelligence (AI) presents significant opportunities for small businesses. To name a few, it can help automate tedious processes, aid with recruitment, and create online content. However, there are also possible risks of AI and it’s important to assess whether it could be doing more harm than good. In this article, […]
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Bitcoin or Gold: Which one is a better investment? 

23rd May 2024
In recent years, both Bitcoin and gold have become famous investment options. Gold is one of the most popular long-term investments that has stood the test of time for centuries, being considered a symbol of security and wealth. On the other hand, Bitcoin, the 21st century asset, is a digital currency that gathered the attention […]
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Election day announced

23rd May 2024
Rishi Sunak has announced the election will be held on the 4th July. After 14 years of conservative rule, they are now behind in the polls and on July 5th the country could have a new Prime Minister. Manifestos are expected to come in June. Make sure you are registered to vote so you can […]
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How Effective Leadership Impacts School Funding and Budget Allocation

23rd May 2024
Navigating the fiscal landscape of an educational institution requires a leader who can chart a course with precision and foresight. At the confluence of financial stewardship and academic success, we find adept school leadership—particularly those enriched by programs such as the Doctor of Education.  These leaders possess the acuity to make strategic decisions that bolster their schools' financial health. […]
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Legal Considerations When Using ID Scanning Apps

23rd May 2024
In today's era, technology plays a significant role in streamlining operations and enhancing security measures across different industries. The increasing use of identification (ID) scanning apps offers businesses a way to verify customer information. However, businesses need to address considerations to ensure adherence to regulations and safeguard both their customers and themselves. Privacy Consent When […]
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Legal Implications of Fake News in the Finance Industry

22nd May 2024
In most countries, competition law is geared toward combatting trusts, meaning ensuring competition by fighting monopolies, not fake news, although they could be used to manipulate prices or the reputation of the competition. This suggests, that there could be gaps in the legal protection of companies and market participants.  Given the recurring interest among academics, experts, and journalists in the […]
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Inflation falls again, expectations to come…

21st May 2024
The research firm, Kanter found that inflation has fallen to 2.3% which is a drop from 3.2% in April. This announcement is encouraging to hear and brings hope that the UK is on the right track as this is the lowest level in three years. Shoppers are still opting for own-brand labels rather than branded […]
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