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Inflation falls again, expectations to come…

21st May 2024
The research firm, Kanter found that inflation has fallen to 2.3% which is a drop from 3.2% in April. This announcement is encouraging to hear and brings hope that the UK is on the right track as this is the lowest level in three years. Shoppers are still opting for own-brand labels rather than branded […]
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3 Unexpected Costs Financial Advisors Overlook with Disability and Workers’ Comp Clients

20th May 2024
When managing disability or workers' compensation claims, financial advisors might not immediately think of certain costs that significantly impact a client's finances. Beyond the apparent medical expenses and lost wages, there are subtler, often missed expenditures that can blindside clients if not properly planned for. With that in mind, here’s a look at some of those sneaky costs which can crop up, ensuring advisors can […]
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Finance Scholarship 101: Some Great Options for Finance Students

20th May 2024
Let’s face it: we are living in an educational bubble. It used to be the case that a college degree was something special, and a college diploma would be a guaranteed ticket for the upper middle class.  However, as more and more people are attending college, this dilutes the value of any individual degree. This can be true for […]
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What Are the Steps to Obtain a DBA for an Arizona LLC?

20th May 2024
Are you thinking about giving your Arizona business a new name? Maybe you want to operate under a catchy title that better represents what you do. Well, you're in luck! You can easily make this happen by getting a DBA, or "doing business as" name. Let's understand what a DBA is and how you can […]
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Tax Audit Defence Options: From Handling it Yourself to Hiring a Professional

17th May 2024
Facing a tax audit defence can be a daunting experience, but understanding your options for defence can help alleviate some of the stress. Whether you decide to handle the audit yourself or hire a professional, it's important to weigh the pros and cons of each approach based on the complexity of your tax situation, your […]
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Water companies raising bills whilst polluting our rivers!

16th May 2024
We have heard about all the sewage being pumped into the UK’s seas and rivers disturbing ecological levels as well as public health whilst the water companies cut costs and raise bills. Can something be done to stop the water companies getting away with it and how can we trust our water now?   Their […]
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Latest data creates a mixed picture over the higher cost of living

16th May 2024
The latest official figures have revealed muddled information as many still grapple with the higher cost of living. Rises in wages for UK workers remained at a relatively higher level for between January and March this year, the latest figures from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) showed. Average weekly earnings increased by 6% for […]
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How to Start Your International Business Correctly

15th May 2024
Do you ever wish you could start your international business? Which country do you think will be good for business growth? No matter what country they are from, every entrepreneur knows what it means to be driven, focused, and able to concentrate. However, you may need more than a strong will to be able to […]
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How to ask for a raise at work?

15th May 2024
If you think you should be paid more for your job then there is no harm in asking the question, but make sure you are prepared and you know how to address the topic with your boss.   How to know if you should ask for a raise? You have taken on more responsibilities and […]
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The UK exits the recession

10th May 2024
The UK's economy has grown The UK entered a recession in the later months of 2023 as the UK saw a decline in GDP of 0.5% and people across the country felt the effects of rising prices and interest rates. This was the UK’s third recession in 16 years. Today, the 10th May 2024, official […]
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Financial Compensation for Rear-End Collisions in Florida

7th May 2024
Rear-end collisions are among the most common types of vehicle accidents in Florida, often leading to a range of injuries and damages. When a driver's vehicle is struck from behind, they may be entitled to financial compensation for the losses sustained. The state's laws dictate the process of claiming damages and establishing the liabilities of […]
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Football clubs in debt

7th May 2024
UK football clubs make their money from sponsorships, matchdays and broadcast however often this isn’t enough to keep them out of debt. The spending of a football clubs on infrastructure, salaries, competitions and more is often far more then the club earns back causing mounting debt and potential breaches of FFP.   FFP rules FFP […]
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