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Discover the essentials of safeguarding your future. This segment offers valuable insights into different types of insurance policies, including life, health, car, and property insurance. Our expert guidance helps you understand coverage options, compare premiums, and make informed decisions about the right protection for you and your loved ones.

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Stay informed about the latest trends in the insurance industry and learn how to choose policies that offer the best balance of coverage and cost, ensuring peace of mind and financial security.
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Joe Petrelli’s insight into the evolution of the insurance industry in the past 40 years

31st January 2017
Joe Petrelli’s insight into evolution of the insurance industry in the past 40 years
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Thought Leader – Captive Insurance

26th January 2017
To find out about the biggest challenges that the captive insurance sector faces and the future of the industry, Finance Monthly reached out to Alan Fine - the Partner in Charge of Brown Smith Wallace’s Insurance Advisory Services practice, a subset of which is the Captive practice, which he also leads.  Brown Smith Wallace is […]
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Two-thirds of consumers would prefer to deal with a single provider for insurance products

12th January 2017
Insurance services represent an opportunity for banks to improve customer experience and increase customer loyalty. Consumers have an average of four different insurance products split across three providers, with 63 percent saying they would prefer to deal with a single provider, according to a new survey by Collinson Group. Following the rise of price comparison […]
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Owen-Dunn Insurance Services

2nd September 2016
Industry insights from Owen Taylor
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Over two-thirds of insurance CEOs see technology as both an opportunity and a threat

9th March 2016
Results from PwC’s 19th Annual Global Survey of more than 1,400 CEOs, which includes responses from 101 CEOs in the insurance sector in 43 countries, reveal more than 70% of insurance CEOs are making significant changes to the way they use technology to assess and meet customer expectations. 79% cite data and analytics and 76% […]
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