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Why Are IPOs Riskier For Private Investors?

22nd September 2021
Despite the covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns, London has seen one of the strongest periods of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) in years.
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UK Government’s First “Green Gilt” Raises £10 Billion After Record Investor Interest

22nd September 2021
The UK’s first-ever “green gilt” is set to beat all previous records for British government debt sales thanks to huge investor demand.
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Wise Launches Feature That Allows Users To Spend Money Invested In Stocks

21st September 2021
On Tuesday, London-based fintech firm Wise launched an investments feature that allows users to invest in stocks through multiple currencies and spend their holdings.
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Public Borrowing In The UK Overshoots Forecasts For August

21st September 2021
According to government figures, public borrowing in the UK fell less sharply than predicted in August and was at its second-highest on record for the month, highlighting the substantial ongoing costs of the pandemic.
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What Are The Financial Benefits of Going Paperless?

20th September 2021
There is no answer available to explain why we still haven’t adopted digital documents and electronic workflow in all of the offices worldwide. One particular answer might be that people don’t have much idea about the perks of going paperless and adapting digital documents and electronic workflow but maybe if people knew about the specific perks then it would be much easier for people to make this change.
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How To Make Your Digital Transactions More Secure

20th September 2021
In recent times, people started to use their debit and credit cards over cash, and even in the past couple of years, many are using payment wallets such as PayPal to avoid using their cards all the time. Although it does not mean that people are not using cash at all, they are using cards and payment wallets for transactions that can be made without the involvement of cash.
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UK Faces Shortage Of Meat And Frozen Food Due To Sudden CO2 Scarcity

20th September 2021
The UK is facing shortages of frozen food and meat due to a sudden shortage of carbon dioxide used by the food and drink industry.
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Shares In China’s Evergrande Tumble Amid Contagion Fears

20th September 2021
Hong Kong stock plummeted by almost 17% amid default concerns that are starting to have a knock-on effect on other markets.
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JP Morgan To Unveil New UK Digital Bank Next Week

17th September 2021
Next week, JP Morgan will launch its new digital bank Chase in the UK.
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Wall Street Stocks Slump As US Unemployment Claims Rise

17th September 2021
On Thursday, Wall Street fell into the red as the number of US citizens filing new claims for unemployment support rose by 20,000.
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Finance Monthly M&A Awards Winners Edition Now Live

16th September 2021
We're delighted to announce that the winners edition of the 2021 Finance Monthly M&A awards is now live. You can view all the winners online now.
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UK Braced For Energy Crunch As Wholesale Gas And Electricity Prices Soar

16th September 2021
The UK is braced for an energy crunch as wholesale prices of gas and electricity jump to record levels.
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