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Why Web 3.0 Will Redefine The Digital Landscape

16th September 2021
The arrival of Web 3.0 has been heralded as the new paradigm in web interaction. Chris Starkey, founder and director of NexGen Cloud, explores what the term really means and whether it will actually change our lives.
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Financial Recovery Tips After Getting Into A Car Accident

16th September 2021
Along with the immediate damage to both your body and your property, car accidents can have a significant impact on your finances.
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Microsoft, Truist And FDIC Team Up To Create Fund To Invest In Minority-Owned Banks

16th September 2021
This week, the FDIC will unveil an investment fund that provides investors with a way to support banks owned by and in support of people of colour. Truist Financial and Microsoft are so-called anchor investors in the fund. Each will contribute tens of millions of dollars to support its launch.
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E-commerce Inventory Financing - Complete Walkthrough

15th September 2021
E-commerce owners can access inventory financing when facing cash flow problems. We will share all the important information you need to have in the article.
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What Is The Process Of Social Trading?

15th September 2021
Social trading, often known as copy trading, is a type of investment that automatically allows ordinary (non-professional) investors to follow and imitate expert investors and traders. You don't need to be an expert on the subject. It is also free of charge/fees, but you must carefully select who you will be copying and ensure that it meets your objectives and goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. This article will define social trading and show you how to get started.
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UK Treasury Takes Taxpayer Stakes In Kombucha, Solar Power And VR Startups With Future Fund

15th September 2021
The UK Treasury has taken stakes in over 150 startups through its Future Fund. The fund provides government loans to UK-based companies ranging from £125,000 to £5 million.
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UK Inflation Soars To Highest Level Since 2012

15th September 2021
UK inflation has jumped to its highest for more than nine years following a record increase in August. Cafes and restaurant prices raced higher after last August’s hefty Eat Out To Help Out discounts.
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9 Cash App Alternatives

14th September 2021
Not too long ago, Cash App emerged as a tremendous P2P payment app on the mobile payment scene. The convenience, flexibility, and other great features (Bitcoin dealings and stock investment) that it offers increased its popularity to the point that it grew to have over 36 million users. But those are just the good parts.
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How Does Fintech Expand Small Business Owners’ Financing Options?

14th September 2021
Small business owners encounter several challenges in their day-to-day activities and managing their financial operations is among them. Specifically, they have to keep up with meeting payroll, developing new products, implementing marketing strategies, and expanding facilities, all of which require access to financing.
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Deutsche Bank Says Stock Market Correction Of 5-10% Likely By The Year End

14th September 2021
On Monday, a survey conducted by Deutsche Bank revealed that investors are expecting a market correction of 5-10% by the end of the year.
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Why Lead Safe® Training Is Important For Finance Managers In 2021

13th September 2021
Every firm has different business divisions that help it run and flourish. Finance, more than any other department, is likely to exist even before a firm begins to operate.
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How Do Stocks Work? Type Of Stocks And How Are They Different From One Another

13th September 2021
Stocks are an investment that means you own a share in a company when you invest in their respective stocks. An ordinary person can invest in stocks with some of the most successful companies in the world.
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