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Rewiring Society's Relationship With Spending and Debt

7th January 2021
Both the government and the average consumer are being forced to deal with debt more than ever before. But is there a healthier way to deal with spending?
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Cryptocurrency Passes $1 Trillion as Bitcoin Jumps to $37,000

7th January 2021
Crypto’s total market value has surged past a historic threshold on the back of Bitcoin’s continued rise.
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The Top Investment Trends for 2021

6th January 2021
After a year like 2020, attempting to predict the future is a risky game. To hear about his predictions for the investment trends that could take centre stage in 2021, we hear from Graham Norton-Standen.
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The IPOs That Shook the World in 2020

6th January 2021
2020 will forever be remembered for all the wrong reasons, yet in financial terms, the year was not all bad.
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The 5 Challenger Banks to Look Out for in 2021

6th January 2021
The financial landscape has evolved tremendously over the past decade due, in part, to a significant increase in investment within the FinTech sector, as well as several regulatory changes which have accelerated digital innovation. These key factors, amongst others, have produced rather fertile ground for a new wave of digitally native challenger banks to grow, compete with, and exceed the value proposition of traditional banks, which were previously fairly untroubled by the lack of competitive intensity within the banking industry.
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From Bust to Boom: How Rebound in 2021 Could Spark a Return of the Roaring 20s

6th January 2021
Volatility was the name of the game in 2020 as the pandemic wreaked havoc across the globe. The spread of COVID-19 was a shock to the financial system, stock markets plunged and companies battened down the hatches. But the easing of infection rates sparked dramatic recoveries, with indices in the US reaching record levels. Although the UK economy is still in an abyss, and the new more infectious strain of the virus is likely to set back recovery, there are still signs that the economy will emerge battered but resilient later this year. As vaccines are rolled out, output is boosted and huge sums of borrowed money are put to work. Investor confidence is making a comeback, with the UK and Europe registering their best score since January 2020. (Source: HL Investor Confidence Survey)
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COVID, Biden and Brexit: The Future is Bright for M&A Deals

6th January 2021
What does the future hold for M&A in 2021?
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4 Predictions That Will Shape Global Payments in 2021

6th January 2021
There’s no denying that COVID-19 threw cash its biggest challenge yet. Never before has the industry seen a dramatic shift away from cash to digital payment options. Contactless and mobile payments were deemed saviours of the pandemic, offering benefits that stretch beyond hygiene.
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Does Money Still Make the World Go ‘Round?

6th January 2021
Card payments only’. ‘Contactless preferred’. ‘No cash accepted’. These phrases will be familiar to anyone who has ventured out to the shops since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. While businesses have embraced big change in an effort to protect staff and reduce unnecessary physical contact; ‘small change’ has suffered the opposite fate.
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Here’s Why Investing in Sustainability is the Key to Business Success in 2021

6th January 2021
Sustainability has never been so important for businesses. Reduced consumer demands and limited transportation in 2020 have created an increasing public awareness of the dangers of climate change and other pollution. Companies are now creating sustainable strategies to compete for the increased demand for sustainable brands.
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Here’s What’s Needed as M&A Competition Hots up

6th January 2021
Mergers and acquisitions are firmly back on the agenda. The COVID pandemic caused widespread uncertainty, but with positive news about a vaccine becoming widely available in 2021 and now that the US presidential election is over, the way is clearer for takeovers, especially of those companies that were weakened by the pandemic’s impact.
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Changing the Game: The Opportunities of Holistic Wealth Creation

6th January 2021
As a leading nationwide IMO, Life and Annuity Masters leverage their strategic partners to create wealth for their advisers' clients. If your ideal prospect is a high-net-worth, business-owning millionaire, you increase your likelihood of success when you offer them more than just another insurance solution.
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