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COVID, Trust and the Recalibration of Consumer Banks

30th October 2020
Never let a good crisis go to waste. The famous Winston Churchill adage has been apposite for businesses across the board, not least the founders of Monzo, Starling and Atom, who seized on the fallout of the 2008 financial crash to reimagine what banking could look like in the digital age. A decade on, things aren’t so rosy for the challenger banks as they face their own reckoning on the back of an economic downturn.
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Building a Successful Upskilling Strategy in the Financial Sector

30th October 2020
With businesses still reeling from the pandemic and lockdown measures, traditional forms of training and upskilling have been revised to fit the new financial climate.
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Helping You Plan a Retirement You Can’t Outlive

30th October 2020
An Interview with Dennis M. Postema, Founder of Postema Insurance & Investments
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Should Banks be Scared of Tech Giants Entering the Market?

30th October 2020
Anders la Cour is a hands-on leader of the multi-award-winning provider of mission-critical financial services infrastructure, Banking Circle.
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Setting Up a Trust in Hong Kong? Here’s What You Need to Know

30th October 2020
We caught up with Natalie Smith to hear about the ins and outs of establishing a trust in Hong Kong.
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Do I Need to Use a Collection Agency?

30th October 2020
Founded by Tim Turner nearly 25 years ago, Summit A*R (Summit Account Resolution) is a full-service accounts receivable management company headquartered in a suburb of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Having done similar work for other companies, Tim felt the industry needed a different approach and that he could create a team that would believe in this vision.
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Comprehensive Competencies and Core Commitment Can Drive Digital Acceleration Despite the Pandemic

30th October 2020
We speak with one of the four Co-founders and the Chief Executive of Maveric Systems – Ranga Reddy. Since its inception in 2000, Maveric has been helping global banking and FinTech leaders accelerate transformation initiatives through effective integration of domain, technology, future-ready strategy and high-velocity execution. The company’s core promise of Accelerate Next helps its customers navigate a rapidly changing environment, through conscious contextualisation, comprehensive competencies and core commitment.
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What’s Made India an M&A Hotspot in 2020?

30th October 2020
For an update on M&A in India, we caught up with Manjula Chawla, Ritika Ganju & Kripi Kathuria.
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Lending Surge Creates Record Gains for Crypto Hedge Funds

30th October 2020
In spite of the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, cryptocurrency hedge funds have vastly outperformed non-crypto funds.
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Why Embedded Finance Isn’t Just Another Buzzword

29th October 2020
Of the emerging trends in financial services, "embedded finance" is the one most likely to endure and define the new decade.
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UK Car Production Falls to 25-Year Low

29th October 2020
September saw record low levels of British automotive production, with the uncertainty of Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic converging.
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5 Effective Ways to Improve Spend Management

28th October 2020
Spend management is one major issue a procurement department must take seriously.
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