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Ericsson Wins BT’s 5G Contract, Set to Replace Huawei in UK Cities

28th October 2020
After deployment, Ericsson is expected to manage 50% of BT’s 5G communications, creating a new basis for UK telecommunication.
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Brexit, the Pound and Investors – Where Do Things Stand?

28th October 2020
UK investors have a lot on their plate as the end of the year approaches. Between Brexit, COVID-19 and the US election, what changes can we expect to see in markets and the value of the pound?
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What to Consider When Picking a Factoring Company

28th October 2020
What is invoice factoring, and how can it help to secure a business's cash flow?
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US Stock Market Prepares for Turbulent Election Week

27th October 2020
Wall Street is being forced to grapple with political anxiety in addition to a two-week delay to any potential new stimulus measures.
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Key Benefits of Online Learning

27th October 2020
Advancements in technology and good telecommunication infrastructure have changed the medium of learning.
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Working Capital Loans for Corporations: A Quick Guide

27th October 2020
Many companies, large and small, rely on loans as a regular part of their operations. Where do businesses turn when they need a large, reliable injection of cash?
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A Guide to Cryptocurrency Backed by Precious Metals

27th October 2020
One of the biggest concerns prospective investors have with the cryptocurrency world is volatility. Big price swings with virtual currencies mean great profits and massive losses can be reaped in minutes.
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Stock Markets and Oil Prices Dive as COVID-19 Cases Rise

26th October 2020
As the west saw a surge in the spread of coronavirus over the weekend, a rise in Libyan oil production and continued lack of US stimulus combined to drive stocks down.
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From Boardroom to War Room: The Evolving Role of the CFO

26th October 2020
In periods of rapid change for finance teams, the CFO is critical in directing strategy. How can they gain better insight into their organisations' processes and determine where greater investment is needed?
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The FinCEN Files Leak – Who Is Really to Blame for 18 Years of Undiagnosed Financial Crime?

23rd October 2020
The evidence of money laundering and other fraudulent activity revealed in the FinCEN Files has been a wake-up call to the financial services sector. But who bears responsibility, and where can improvements be made?
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Goldman Sachs Fined $2.9 Billion Over 1MDB Scandal

23rd October 2020
The bank will pay fines to the FCA, PRA, DOJ and several other regulators in a global settlement for bribery and mismanagement.
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The FinCEN Files – A Leaked Snapshot of Money Laundering Failings

22nd October 2020
The leak of the FinCEN Files was an indictment of the oversight ability of financial services, yet it is still unclear exactly how blame ought to be apportioned.
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