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Market Cap of Europe’s 5 Biggest Banks Falls 42%

9th September 2020
New data has shown that Europe’s major banks have lost tens of billions of dollars in market capitalisation since January.
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Investors Keen on SDLT Holiday, But Wary of Government's Handling of COVID-19

9th September 2020
Looking ahead, it may be daunting to think how the UK will fare when attempting to facilitate a post-COVID-19 economic recovery.
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Trading Forex – 6 Simple Steps to Start With Forex

9th September 2020
Trading Forex is profitable and thrilling when you achieve decent skill level. Before that you will need to follow some important steps.
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As Much as £3.5 Billion May Have Been Lost to Furlough Fraud

8th September 2020
5-10% of furlough payments issued by the UK government could have been made in error, according to findings.
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The CFO SUMMIT XXXVIII Will Be taking place in San Diego, US

8th September 2020
This marcus evans premium summit will look at how CFOs must take a proactive approach to pursuing growth while mitigating risk. The CFO Summit XXXVIII will be held November 12 - 14 2020 at the Park Hyatt Aviara Resort, Golf Club & Spa, San Diego, CA, United States
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Why the Charity Tech Sector Is a Big Opportunity for Investors in 2020

8th September 2020
Populations are ageing, inequality is rising, climate change is accelerating, and a global pandemic is wreaking devastation, all of which will exacerbate society’s need for charitable services. Yet the charity sector has also been hit hard by the pandemic, with over half of charities losing income from fundraising.
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What’s the Difference Between Mutual Funds and Stocks?

8th September 2020
For first-time investors, it's important to know the difference between the two areas and how they can enrich your portfolio.
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How Do I Protect Myself Financially in a Divorce?

8th September 2020
Dividing your assets during a divorce can be a harrowing experience, especially if your split is acrimonious and one or both spouses are out for revenge.
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Let’s Be Optimistic About Bricks and Mortar Investment

7th September 2020
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and Brexit fast approaching, the UK property market has proven to be remarkably resilient.
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UK House Prices Hit Record High Despite Pandemic

7th September 2020
House prices rose to their highest level on record in August, owing to pent-up demand and the stamp duty holiday.
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Pound Slides as Fears of No-Deal Brexit Grow

7th September 2020
Plans by UK lawmakers to override a key part of last year’s EU withdrawal agreement have reignited fears of a damaging split.
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What is the Role of the Financial Conduct Authority?

7th September 2020
A breakdown of how the UK's financial regulator operates and why you should ensure that your business maintains compliance with its guidance.
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