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Why FinTech is a Victim of its Own Success

28th August 2020
The merging of technology with industry names has become very common. Today, the ‘tech’ suffix is combined with terms such as healthcare (HealthTech), property (PropTech) and education (EdTech) to form words that are entering into our everyday lexicon.
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Wealth Management During a Pandemic: DOs & DON’Ts

28th August 2020
We speak with Steven de Jersey, a Director of Dixcart Trust Corporation Limited - the Dixcart Group office in Guernsey.
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Commercial Real Estate in a COVID-19 World

28th August 2020
We speak with the Founder and CEO of Advocate Commercial Real Estate Advisers – Craig Braham.
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Working from Home – a Curse or a Blessing in Disguise for ONLYOFFICE?

28th August 2020
To hear about a company which has benefited from COVID-19 and the need for remote working, we reached out to Galina Goduhina, Commercial Director at ONLYOFFICE – a software office suite which features online document editors, a platform for document management, corporate communication, mail and project management tools.
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Is Sustainability Resilient Enough to Survive Another Recession?

28th August 2020
As the UK enters a recession for the first time in 11 years, undoubtedly, the need for companies to cut overheads will only grow, so will sustainability programs be the first to go?
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Why is the Stock Market Up Amid a Shrinking Economy?

28th August 2020
Whole sectors of the global economy remain shuttered, commerce is hostage to infection outbreaks, businesses face unprecedented solvency problems, while unemployment is set to explode. Global supply chains remain fractured. Consumption could plummet. Government deficits are expanding at a record pace to finance bailouts, support, furloughs and rescues. The outlook has never looked so dire, yet stock markets have risen to record levels, apparently ignoring the single most sudden, profound and destabilising shock in economic history.
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Top 6 FinTech Stocks to Invest in Now

28th August 2020
With COVID-19 settling in to become the next part of our future, many are coming to the realisation that ‘it may never go away’ – similar to the “just for a night stay-over” which turns into “just a few more months please!”.
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Nearly Half of Finance Workers Considering a Career Change

27th August 2020
A new survey of financial services professionals has found that almost half were unsatisfied with their line of work.
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Banking on Data: Driving Customer Loyalty in Financial Services

27th August 2020
As financial services become increasingly digitalised, banks must provide a winning customer experience to survive. This is only possible through a sound data strategy.
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Hurricane Laura Fears Push Oil to Five-Month High

26th August 2020
The mass shutdown of US oil production has roused fears of a global shortage.
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Investor Trading Apps – Should You Look Before You Leap?

26th August 2020
With more time on their hands during the pandemic due to staycations and working from home, a growing number of investors have been downloading investor trading apps and trying their luck at investing in equity markets and other online assets for the first time. But have they fully considered their options?
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Stocks Buoyed by Hopes of a US-China Trade Deal

25th August 2020
Early trading in European markets showed a cautious and fragile optimism among investors.
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