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The Top 5 Customer Service Lessons Banks Must Learn From COVID-19

25th August 2020
According to customer insight and market research collected by artificial intelligence, banks have made several crucial missteps in providing for their customers during the pandemic.
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Blackstone Buys Takeda Consumer Healthcare for $2.3 Billion

24th August 2020
The sale comes as part of an effort by Takeda to refocus on developing new drugs for unmet medical needs.
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CFOs and the Three Steps to Financial Transformation

24th August 2020
CFOs and their teams have a key role to play in the success of financial transformation projects - and are the best-placed to keep them from failing.
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UK Debt Reaches £2 Trillion, But Private Sector Surges

21st August 2020
Though government debt is at an all-time high, data indicates a gradual path to recovery for parts of the UK economy.
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Bridging the Gap for Digital Exclusion in Payments

21st August 2020
Worldwide, cash transactions are slowly declining. Since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an unprecedented shift in consumer behaviour which has accelerated the move towards a cashless society.
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Qantas Posts $2 Billion Annual Loss

20th August 2020
Caught in a worldwide travel industry slump, Australia’s largest airline has suffered its worst financial result in a century.
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Anxious Investors Are Less Likely to Go Bankrupt

20th August 2020
New research in physiological science has called the conventional wisdom of successful investor behaviours into question.
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Johnson & Johnson Close Deal to Buy Momenta for $6.5 Billion

19th August 2020
The new acquisition will greatly expand the medical supplier’s portfolio of immunity drugs.
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Digital Collaboration and Banking: The Partnership Saving the Industry

19th August 2020
The banking industry is changing at rapid speed, due to economic uncertainties, increased customer expectation and the ever-evolving competitive landscape – not to mention the changes that everyone has experienced this year.
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The Power of the American Tech Monopolies

18th August 2020
Beyond purely financial advantages, tech giants have gained influence over almost every facet of modern life.
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Citigroup Sues for Return of Accidental $176 Million Payment

18th August 2020
After accidentally transferring $900 million to creditors of Revlon, Citigroup is demanding that creditors return its money.
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A Guide to Preparing Your Business for the End of Furlough

18th August 2020
Numerous SMEs have relied on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme to support their finances. As it winds down, businesses will need to adapt once again.
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