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Why Are Organisations Still Missing Out on R&D Tax Credits?

12th August 2020
When we think about growing a business it is often easy to tie it wholly to making sales. Of course, to a certain extent sales must play a role, but to think about it as your only possibility of growth is to forget about a very important concept for organisations across all industries and fields: innovation. 
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What Does Wirecard's Collapse Mean for the Future of App-Based Business Banking?

11th August 2020
Following digital finance provider Wirecard’s collapse, the reverberations have naturally spread far and wide, with countless thousands of customers uncertain about the future of their finances not only with Wirecard but with other payment services providers generally.
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Revolut Losses Reach £100 Million Despite Business Surge

11th August 2020
An increase in both revenue and customer base has not prevented the banking startup’s losses from growing.
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How Wealth Managers Can Use Digital Advice to Better Serve HNWIs

11th August 2020
For many, digital advice in the context of wealth management refers to robo-advisors and digital tools that serve a mass-affluent, younger and more digitally savvy client base. However, the value digital advice brings and to whom, reaches much farther.
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Fintech III Acquires Integrated Payments and Commerce Solution Provider, Paya

11th August 2020
FinTech Acquisition Corp. III (NASDAQ: FTAC) announced that it has entered into a definitive merger agreement with Paya, a leading integrated payments and commerce solution provider. This deal is expected to have a significant impact ion the fintech trading market.
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Oil Prices Rebound on Hopes of Recovery

10th August 2020
The perception that oil value may have finally bottomed out has buoyed a rise in crude prices on Monday.
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Substance over Style: How FX Providers Are Leading the Way in API Solutions

10th August 2020
Across the spectrum of financial institutions and clients they serve, customer needs vary dramatically, in all aspects – which is echoed in the development of Application Programming Interface (API) solutions.
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UK House Prices Hit All-Time High

7th August 2020
A July “mini-boom” could portend a revived housing market as lockdown measures ease.
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The Evolution of Trust: What COVID-19 Has Revealed About Transparency, Accessibility and Consumer Control

7th August 2020
As financial institutions and fintech start-ups seek to navigate uncharted waters, the role of trust has become even more crucial in a brand’s ability to connect with and inspire confidence in audiences.
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Why It’s Never Been More Crucial to Compare Rewards and Cashback Credit Cards

7th August 2020
In these uncertain financial times, it can be tempting to consider opening a credit card account, especially one promising to make your money go a little further.
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Airline Shares Soar as Senators Back $25 Billion Payroll Aid

6th August 2020
A group of 16 Republican senators has announced support for an additional $25 billion airline relief package.
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The CFO as Security Decision Maker in Times of Crisis

6th August 2020
As business continuity became threatened by remote working, security became a financial issue.
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