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Silver Prices Surge, Recovering COVID-19 Losses

22nd July 2020
Tuesday trading saw the Gold/Silver Ratio pushed below 90 for the first time since 24 February, with the greatest highs seen since 2013.
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It’s Time to Rethink Machine Learning Models in Financial Services

21st July 2020
Whether or not the shift is permanent, the convergence of Brexit and the COVID-19 calls for updated machine learning and prediction models in the UK financial sector.
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How to Secure a Bridging Loan for a House Purchase

20th July 2020
A concise guide to the uses and costs of bridging loans, and cases where you may find it useful to secure one before making a high-value purchase.
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GlaxoSmithKline Invests $163 Million in Germany’s CureVac

20th July 2020
The investment paves the way for collaboration between British and German firms on anti-pathogen research and potential vaccine candidates.
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Sheltering Financial Applications in the Cloud

20th July 2020
As financial services are called upon to be more agile than ever, the need for fast and reliable payments software is growing. The impact of cloud computing and effective managed services providers cannot be overlooked.
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Pension Panic: What Is It and How Can You Avoid It?

17th July 2020
Anxiety surrounding pensions is at a high, as the COVID-19 pandemic has upset stocks and interest rates the world over. But that does not mean there is cause to panic.
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Stocks Dip as US Jobless Claims Rise

17th July 2020
The spectre of US unemployment cast a pall over Thursday trading as sentiments soured in both US and international markets.
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Hiring a CFO Remotely: This Is How You Get It Right

16th July 2020
With remote working now an integral part of the business world, it is crucial that recruiters know how to identify an ideal senior finance candidate during a virtual interview.
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US Threatens Sanctions Against Nord Stream 2 Investors

16th July 2020
As the Russian natural gas pipeline nears completion, the US government has announced new sanction guidelines against its contributors.
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Bitcoin, Ethereum and Tether Hit $207 Billion Market Cap

15th July 2020
Having surged by 40% in six months, three of the world’s leading cryptocurrencies have offered investors a safe haven during coronavirus-induced market fluctuations, new data has revealed.
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Imposter Syndrome in Finance

15th July 2020
Mental health has come to the fore as the COVID-19 pandemic has heightened workplace anxiety. What should CFOs do to ensure that their team members remain confident in their own abilities?
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US Consumer Prices Saw a Rebound in June

14th July 2020
After three months of declines, consumer prices in the United States bounced back in June by the largest margin since 2012, buoyed by a leap in the cost of gasoline.
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