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Countries Reopening Their Borders for Summer 2020

1st July 2020
Still holding out for a holiday abroad this summer? The good news is that a number of countries are now reopening their borders to international visitors in the next month. The bad news? You may need to quarantine for two weeks once you’re back home to reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus.
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UK Economy Due For V-Shaped Recovery, Says Bank of England’s Chief Economist

1st July 2020
Andy Haldane predicts an increased risk of unemployment in the UK for the long term, but is optimistic about the country’s recovery prospects overall.
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Why Democratising Financial Services Is Key During the COVID-19 Crisis

1st July 2020
There is no disputing that banking and finance are an integral part of modern society. As another major recession looms, however, it is vital that these services win back the trust of the public.
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Straightforward Ways to Tighten Finances During These Tough Times

30th June 2020
In the current financial climate, there are many people who are experiencing money worries. Some may be struggling to make their income stretch far enough on a regular basis, and this can then have an impact on all aspects of life.
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Shell Set to Lose $22 Billion Amid Oil Price Crash

30th June 2020
Warning that COVID-19 will deal lasting damage to the global economy and demand for energy products, the oil giant faces an immense loss to the value of its assets.
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AI and Correspondent Banking: De-Risking Doesn’t Need to Mean Goodbye

30th June 2020
Correspondent banking represents one of the most vexing dilemmas for financial institutions and those who regulate them.
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3 Reasons Why Bitcoin’s Value is Set to Soar This Year

30th June 2020
Bitcoin will likely jump in value this year, says deVere Founder and CEO Nigel Green.
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The 5 Biotech Stocks to Invest in Right Now

30th June 2020
In these unprecedented times when the stock market’s volatility has been vying for front-page positioning alongside coronavirus updates, those keen to integrate both headline stories will no doubt be looking at biotech stocks for some positivity. I know I have.
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The European Real Estate Industry in a Post-COVID-19 Environment

30th June 2020
The past few months have been really difficult for the EU27, and with current fears around new cases, the European economic forecast of 7.4% contraction seems like a benign case.
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Why are Sustainable Stocks Outperforming Markets

29th June 2020
You would have needed to be on another planet not to have heard that sustainable investments have outperformed markets since the COVID-19 crisis, says Vincent Gilles, CIO of Clim8 Invest.
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What Will the Insurance Industry Look Like Post COVID-19

29th June 2020
The modern UK insurance industry began life in London during the 1700s when the first fire, accident and life insurance companies were established. Fast forward 400 years and you have an industry which, according to the Association of British Insurers (ABI), manages investments of £1.7 trillion and employs over 300,000. This makes it the largest in Europe and the fourth largest in the world.
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How to Secure Investment in the Wake of COVID-19

29th June 2020
Debbie Jackson, Partner in the Corporate team at Walker Morris and UK ‘Hot 100’ lawyer, discusses how COVID-19 has presented opportunities for businesses to secure investment through mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity from a private equity standpoint. Debbie specialises in all aspects of corporate law and regulation and has particular experience in M&A and private equity.
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