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BP to Cut 10,000 Jobs Amid Global Oil Slump

8th June 2020
Citing COVID-19, the UK-based oil giant has announced plans to lay off 15% of its global workforce.
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The Rise of Challenger Banks: How Legacy Banks Are Trying to Keep Up

8th June 2020
Modern banking is dominated by technology and the race to improve customer experience. With challenger banks constantly innovating, the old giants are pushed to adapt.
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The US Economy Grew by 2.5 Million Jobs in May

5th June 2020
New figures released by the Department of Labor showed the US unemployment rate shrinking to 13.3% as states reopen, raising stocks globally.
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Why COVID-19 Is the Perfect Opportunity for SMEs to Reorganise Finances

5th June 2020
COVID-19 has forced many businesses to change and adapt their way of working in order to meet new demands. So, it’s the perfect time to reorganise your business finances and rethink aspects of how your company operates. 
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Bridging Lenders Excited About Future Lending Prospects

5th June 2020
Lenders and intermediaries working in the bridging finance industry are feeling positive following the easing of recent restrictions due to COVID-19.
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European Central Bank Increases Emergency Stimulus by €600 Billion

4th June 2020
The ECB’s latest funding boost takes the size of its crisis bond-buying programme to a staggering €1.35 trillion.
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Coming to Terms With the End of the Furlough Scheme

4th June 2020
While lockdown measures are being loosened, the financial support schemes on offer to the private sector are being tightened. This was inevitable; there was only ever so much the Government could do to support businesses through this period.
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Finance Shared Services: A Step by Step Guide

3rd June 2020
It’s not a new revelation that sharing resources can improve efficiency within organisations and between partners. Having a centre of excellence rather than multiple siloed departments working on the same thing and duplicating effort makes a lot of business sense.
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Investing in Yourself for Business Success

3rd June 2020
When you first start a business, all of your time and money is invested into your new brand or company. This means long hours, a lot of hard work and consistency to get the business off the ground running. But one mistake that some business owners do is forget to invest in themselves.
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5 Areas of Your Business You Should Invest In

3rd June 2020
It is crucial that companies take advantage of the profits they make and reinvest an amount of this back into the business. This can allow the brand and company to progressively grow each year.
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‘Bounce Back’ Scheme Issues £20 billion to Small Companies

2nd June 2020
SMEs in the UK have received £21.3 billion under the government’s Bounce Back loans scheme, despite fears that a large proportion of these loans may ‘go bad’.
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Who Will Defend Our Digital Twin?

2nd June 2020
Now more than ever, the private data of companies and individuals is under attack. Is anybody fit to guard our information and, by extension, our financial transactions?
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