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Negative Prices – Get Ready for More in 2020 and Beyond

1st June 2020
Negative prices for oil caused a sensation at the end of April. The price of a barrel of West Texas Intermediate crude fell to minus $40.  But the phenomenon of negative prices is by no means new and we can expect to see it more often in 2020 and beyond.
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The 5 Best Greek Islands to Daydream About

29th May 2020
With travel suspended indefinitely and uncertainty around summer escapes abroad, trips will have to wait until the crisis is over. However, there’s no harm in lusting after the places we’d love to visit once all of this is over! Here are Finance Monthly’s five favourite Greek islands – because some breathtaking scenery feels like the best way to mentally escape from our current reality.
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COVID-19, MAC and the Moss Bros/Brigadier Takeover

29th May 2020
A recent takeover offer and the coronavirus epidemic have dragged into the spotlight reliance on conditions to an offer, including one that is common, but seldom exploited – the material adverse change, or “MAC”, condition.
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What You Need to Know Before Your First Forex Trade

29th May 2020
While it can be very exciting to participate in the forex market given its dominance, there’s a steep learning curve to trading currencies. However, you can turn a profit when armed with the right information.
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To Prevent the Next Pandemic, Shut Down Slaughterhouses (& Invest in Companies that Make Plant-Based Meat?)

28th May 2020
In an interesting move to try to influence slaughterhouses’ decision to switch to packing plant-based meat substitutes only, the animal activist organisation PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has announced that it’s purchased shares at a number of meatpackers in the US and Canada, including companies like Tyson Foods, Smithfield Foods, and Maple Leaf Foods.
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Is the US Mortgage Market Due for a Rebound?

28th May 2020
Over the past two months, we’ve seen a dramatic rebound in almost every sector, despite the releases of gloomy economic data. One sector has outperformed the broader market significantly — the Mortgage REITs.
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The Active Management of Passive Income

28th May 2020
The 5 Fundamental Strategies to Promote and Maintain Passive Wealth
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COVID-19 and the Challenges with the Proposed Changes to the Insolvency Regime

28th May 2020
Marc Jones, Partner at Stewarts, explains how the current insolvency regime threatens the recovery of the UK economy.
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Will Banning M&A Only Worsen the Financial Impact of COVID-19

28th May 2020
Banning mergers and acquisitions during COVID-19 might seem like a noble act but risks being nothing more than anti-competitive and anti-economic, says Pauline Rigby, Partner & Head of Corporate at Forbes Solicitors.
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Why Tax Advisers Must Consider the Global Outlook When Estate Planning

28th May 2020
With the number of people emigrating from the UK tipping over 400,000 a quarter for the first time in 2019 and immigration rates comfortably over 600,000 a quarter, the movement of people out of and into the UK is high and once normality post-coronavirus returns, so will the movement of people. The knock-on effect for tax specialists is a vast and varied flow of inheritance money going across borders and a need for today’s skilled financial advisers to have access to knowledge of the tax laws in more than just their own country.
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Expert Tips on How to React to Market Volatility

28th May 2020
For an insight into market price movements, managing emotions and keeping perspective during the current tumultuous times, we speak with Ron Medley, Bailey Wang and Dr Ned Gandevani from Moloney Securities Asset Management (MSAM).
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Easyjet Plans to Cut up to 4,500 Employees

28th May 2020
Even as optimism grows for relaxed lockdown measures in the summer, the UK’s biggest airline prepares to cut almost a third of its staff.
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