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COVID-19: Five Points for Global Traders to Raise With Their Banks

22nd May 2020
As global trade takes its first steps towards recovery, banks will be looking to modernise their infrastructure. What must corporates ask to ensure that their needs will still be met?
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10 Tools That Will Bring More Capital to Your Business in 2020

22nd May 2020
Maintaining business continuity has become a great challenge for many companies, but for those who know where to look, there are a number of resources to help attract new customers and clients.
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UK COVID-19 Measures: What Landlords and Businesses Should Know

21st May 2020
The UK government has taken the first tentative steps to help bring the property market back to life.
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UK Inflation Drops to Lowest Level in Four Years

20th May 2020
A global slump in oil prices saw the UK inflation rate fall dramatically from 1.5% in March to 0.8% in April.
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Looking for Finance Jobs in the 2020s

20th May 2020
Some of today's hottest careers are in the field of finance. If you're headed to college or already finished with your degree, there's still time to join this growing job market even if you started out in liberal arts, IT, education, or any other area of study.
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How to Put Your Business Invention on the Map

20th May 2020
The world of business has changed dramatically over the past couple of decades. Businesses now have access to a huge range of tools and products that are designed to improve efficiency, ensure the smooth running of the business, and make life easier. This is all thanks to the variety of inventors who have come up with great invention ideas for businesses.
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EasyJet Hack Affects Nine Million Customers

19th May 2020
Email addresses, travel information and some credit card details were stolen in a cyber-attack, the airline has revealed.
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Accurate Cash Flow Forecasting: A New System for Finance Teams

18th May 2020
No business can be successful without cash flow. It is vital for all aspects of the business from paying employees to keeping the lights on. Despite this, finance teams have often neglected reporting and forecasting, letting it tick over in the same way it always has. It works, so why change it?
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Stocks to Watch: Countryside and Royal Dutch Shell

18th May 2020
Looking for investment tips? Each week we look at several companies who show the potential to bring in big returns on the stock market from our in-house experts.
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Chinese Production Resumes, Lifting Stocks in Europe and US

15th May 2020
The newest figures from China have coincided with an upturn in global share values, though later uneasiness reversed gains for US markets.
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The Basics to Consider Before Pushing Through With a Merger

15th May 2020
Going through with a merger is much like getting married, in the sense that you should take ample time to get to know the person or company you will be legally binding yourself with.
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Why COVID-19 Will Push Technological Advancement in Finance

14th May 2020
The old finance giants have long held a reputation for outdated infrastructure and technology. In the grip of a global pandemic, however, they must adapt to survive.
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