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The Impact of COVID-19 on the Real Estate Industry

14th May 2020
Every market has come under threat during the COVID-19 pandemic, but real estate may have suffered most of all. Here, we examine how the real estate industry has tried to cope, looking at Singapore in particular.
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Is Now a Good Time to Go Ahead with Buying a Property?

13th May 2020
Today, the housing market has been unlocked in England - viewings, valuations and house moves can now take place again. Here are the five questions to ask yourself if you're mid-purchase and you don't know what to do.
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The Four Tax Credits Your Business Could Be Missing Out On

13th May 2020
As much as it seems like a burden to the bottom line, paying your taxes on time and in full is an important responsibility your business has to shoulder. But as you cough up some of your income to the Internal Revenue Service, you may unknowingly overlook important tax credits your business qualifies for.
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With UK Automotive Set to Boom, Loan and Insurance Markets Brace

13th May 2020
We can expect to see a significant surge in both car loans and travel by road as lockdown measures are gradually eased. What does this mean for the automotive industry and the finance sector?
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How Sophisticated Investors Use Leverage to Boost Their Returns

13th May 2020
An explanation of what "leveraging" entails for beginner investors, and guidance on how to practise it at minimal risk.
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Moorwand and Partner K Wearables Announce 300 ‘K Ring’ Giveaway to NHS Staff

12th May 2020
The payment providers have organised the giveaway to show gratitude to “the fearless frontline NHS staff”.
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Financial Management During a Pandemic

12th May 2020
With quarantine measures set to continue for weeks or months in some nations, it's natural for funds to feel tight. These five top tips should provide some relief for anyone struggling with finances during this pandemic.
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How You Can Get on Top of Your Business Finances

12th May 2020
Are you struggling to keep on top of your business finances? Presented here are some basic tips for reassessing your assets and staying afloat.
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FCA Guidance Seeks to Reassure Borrowers and Lenders Amid COVID-19 Fallout

11th May 2020
A breakdown of the UK Government's COVID-19 measures relating to loans, repossession, and mortgage payment holidays.
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What Could COVID-19 Mean for Money Transfer Providers?

11th May 2020
A look into how money transfer companies operate, and how resilient they may be in the face of an enduring global pandemic.
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A Beginner’s Guide to Investing in Cryptocurrency

11th May 2020
For first-time buyers of Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency, here is a concise explanation of what cryptocurrency is and an introduction to smart investment strategy.
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Bank of England Warns the UK Faces Steepest Recession in 300 Years

7th May 2020
New projections show the UK economy shrinking by 14% in 2020, the largest downturn in more than three centuries.
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