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Acea's Successful Completion of €500 Million Bond Issue

28th April 2020
Following the resolution of the Board of Directors of 6th May 2019 and the completion of the book-building process, Acea S.p.A has successfully completed the placement of a non-convertible bond for a total principal amount of €500 million, maturing on 23rd May 2028 and at a rate of 1.750%, as part of the Euro Medium Term Notes (EMTN) Programme for Euro 3,000,000,000, under the Base Prospectus as last amended on 18th July 2018 and subsequently supplemented on 15th May 2019 (the "Notes").
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Securing Funding in a Time of Crisis

28th April 2020
Businesses across the UK are stuck in an unprecedented time of risk, with many having trouble simply staying solvent. However, there may still be avenues for funding that some companies have not considered.
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Do You Have a Day Trading Personality?

27th April 2020
You may have all the equipment and the knowledge, but do you have a mindset fit for day trading? There are four key criteria that you should strive to meet.
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FDH Bank Announces MK450 Million in Malawian Football Sponsorship

27th April 2020
One of Malawi's largest banks announced its intention to invest 450 million Malawian Kwacha in sporting events to inspire young talent throughout the country.
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The Banking Industry Must Prove Its Worth During the COVID-19 Crisis

24th April 2020
In an unprecedented time of economic stress, can banks step up to regain the public trust that was lost in 2008?
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How to Select a Forex Broker

24th April 2020
Forex brokers let you trade with ease in the complex forex markets. Are you looking to trade, but unsure how to select a forex broker? Here are some crucial things to look out for.
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How Brexit Will Impact UK Taxation Policy

23rd April 2020
With the government's eyes on the COVID-19 pandemic, the state of the UK post transition remains unclear. Behind the politics, however, there are a few things we know to expect from a Brexit deal in how it will impact the UK's trade and taxation policies going forward.
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Invest Under The Radar: Quest for Hidden Gems in the Age of Volatility

23rd April 2020
A comprehensive guide on how to inoculate yourself against financial turbulence and profit from jittery global markets, with bonus profiles on several high-value investment opportunities you won't want to miss.
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How AI Will Continue to Impact the Financial Services Ecosystem

22nd April 2020
Demand for AI-based jobs in the finance sector has never been higher. Here, we unpack the research into the future of AI development and the implications it has for businesses.
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Virgin Australia Collapses Amid COVID-19 Slump

22nd April 2020
Australia’s second largest airline was forced to go into administration after failing to secure a government bailout.
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Wiser Financial Management for Your Business

22nd April 2020
For an SME, even a small financial misstep can pose major problems. To prevent setbacks down the line, consider these two methods of smartly managing your business's finances.
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Trading and Financial Malpractices: Manipulation of Stock Price

21st April 2020
The act of deliberately inflating or deflating the price of a a security is referred to as stock manipulation. While difficult to spot when it occurs, there are particular signs to watch out for when determining whether a market might have been manipulated.
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