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US Oil Prices Plummet Below $0 Per Barrel

21st April 2020
Monday saw US oil prices turn negative for the first time in history, with traders paying buyers to take oil off their hands.
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The Changing Face of Financial Services

20th April 2020
Fintech is changing the financial landscape, driving dynamic new start-ups and pushing the old giants to adapt. With the impact it's sure to have in the coming decades, the promises and challenges of fintech must not be ignored.
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4 First Steps for Early Non-Profit Financial Stability

20th April 2020
Creating a successful non-profit organisation in the US requires a very different mindset from traditional business-building. There are some key steps that every new non-profit should keep in mind to ensure their early financial security.
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What Will Your Business Insurance Cover During the Coronavirus Pandemic?

17th April 2020
Within a matter of weeks, the coronavirus has completely ripped through the UK economy, forcing the majority of businesses to move their entire operation to work remotely.
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5 Reasons Why You Need to Consider Personal Loans

17th April 2020
A guide to the circumstances where a personal loan can be useful, and some important things to keep in mind while managing a difficult household budget.
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China’s GDP Falls for the First Time in Recorded History

17th April 2020
The first quarter of 2020 has seen China’s economy contract for the first time since official records began as the country feels the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Taking Finance Teams From Spreadsheets to Boardroom Seats

16th April 2020
A finance team is only ever as effective as the systems they have to work with. Outlined here are the substantial benefits of revamping your outdated analytics software.
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Satisfying the Regulator During the COVID-19 Pandemic

14th April 2020
Even as businesses grapple with the changes brought by COVID-19, the Financial Conduct Authority has issued a reminder that regulations must still be adhered to.
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The Value of Hedging CFDs During Times of Extreme Market Volatility

14th April 2020
The beginning of 2020 has presented many challengers to traders, and market stabilisation seems far away. As with previous periods of uncertainty, investors may find some reassurance by hedging their CFDs.
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Hidden Truths of COVID-19: Digital Discrimination

9th April 2020
With millions of people migrating from working on-site to working from home, the resulting culture shift has given rise to a wave of aggressive and discriminatory behaviour in the digital workplace.
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Bitcoin Expected to Thrive Amidst Market Panic

9th April 2020
Bitcoin is predicted to reach highs of $15,499 by year's end.
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Is Now the Right Time to Launch Your Own eCommerce Business?

9th April 2020
In 2020, the future is digital. Any SME with good business sense can find a foothold in the online market, provided that they do their research and learn where their niche is.
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