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Is a Four-Day Workweek Viable in the Finance Sector?

31st March 2020
With an estimated £5 trillion in global currency exchanging hands daily, there’s no denying London’s position as one of the world’s most important financial services hubs. Considering its importance, could the FS sector embrace a four-day workweek or is the idea simply unviable? Ross Crook, Senior Vice-President of Client Services at Cielo, outlines the realities of implementing the four-day workweek.
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The Rise of Holiday Homes vs. Buy-to-Let Mortgages

31st March 2020
With a rise in staycation tourism, many people looking to top-up their wages or pensions are investing in holiday homes, with the number of people choosing a self-catering holiday in the UK rising from 6.22 million to 7.23 million between 2015 and 2017 alone. With the recent fall in the value of the pound due to Brexit uncertainty and coronavirus panic, the holiday home market is set to increase further in popularity – but why are holiday homes becoming more popular than buy-to-let mortgages?
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As Cloud Adoption Drives Disruptive Newcomers, What Can the Old Financial Stalwarts Do to Compete?

30th March 2020
With tech-driven newcomers playing an ever greater role in the financial sector, the old giants are starting to lose ground. At this point, is there anything they can do to catch up?
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The 6 Most Toxic Small Business Loan Myths

30th March 2020
How much does your credit score matter when securing a loan? How much money is too much to ask for? Let's dispel some rumours and make it easier for you to gain the support you need.
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$2 Trillion US Stimulus Package Signed into Law

30th March 2020
President Trump signed the historically large relief bill as cases of COVID-19 spiked across the USA.
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What Has AI Done for Financial Services?

27th March 2020
Everyone's talking about the potential for artificial intelligence in the enterprise, but what's actually been achieved to date? Are the majority of companies comfortable with the technology and how it can be used?
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Should You Buy Automotive Stock in the Wake of COVID-19?

27th March 2020
We face a time of unprecedented market volatility, but that does not mean all investments are hopeless. Here, we take a look at Ford Motors and the potential viability of its stock.
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COVID-19 – Who Bears the Loss?

26th March 2020
Labour markets and supply chains face unprecedented disruption as the COVID-19 pandemic sets in. With widespread bankruptcies likely to follow, who will be held liable?
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The Pros and Cons of Cyber Insurance

26th March 2020
As the world of finance becomes increasingly digitised, businesses can expect to come under threat from cyber-attacks. For many firms, cyber insurance can provide a much-needed shield against this danger.
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7 Ways to Prepare Your Portfolio for a Recession

26th March 2020
With a global recession on the horizon, there has never been a better time to take a second look at your stock portfolio and ensure that you're set for the months ahead.
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Emergency Government Loans Appeal to Only Half of UK Business Owners

25th March 2020
The Treasury’s sweeping new measures, intended to reassure businesses during the Coronavirus pandemic, have largely failed to entice.
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Is Your Job at Risk During the Coronavirus Pandemic?

25th March 2020
While Washington scrambles to provide aid to SMEs, millions of jobs remain under threat across the US as the COVID-19 pandemic spreads. If you feel your job might be at risk, you should ensure that you are prepared for whatever may come next.
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